


Feature #19884

Updated by p8 (Petrik de Heus) 9 months ago

If a constant isn't class might not be defined it will raise a NameError: 

 DoesNotExist.some_method # raises: uninitialized constant DoesNotExist (NameError) 

 In libraries that have optional dependencies, we can check if the constant is defined before calling need to add a method on it: conditional: 

 defined?(OptionalDependency) defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) && OptionalDependency.some_method ActiveRecord::Base.some_method 


 Currently in Ruby, the Safe Navigation Operator is used to avoid NoMethodError exceptions when calling methods on objects that may be nil. 
 It would be nice if we could use the Safe Navigation Operator to avoid NameError on undefined constants as well. instead. 

 ClassThatMightNotExist&.some_method ActiveRecord::Base&.some_method 

