


Misc #21100

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) 27 days ago

RubyKaigi 2025 will be at Matsuyama, Japan, Apr 16th - 18th. 
 We would like to try to hold a face-to-face dev meeting at Matsuyama. (@matz will also participate!) 

 * Date: 2025/04/15 (Tue.) 16:00-19:00 (The day before RubyKaigi) 
 * Location: Ehime Prefectural Convention Hall (same as RubyKaigi 2025 venue) Ehime-ken Sogo Shakai Fukushi Kaikan, 3F 8th meeting Training room 

   (in Japanese) 愛媛県総合社会福祉会館3F 研修室 

 ### How to participate 

 Open to any RubyKaigi attendees who have a commit bit or who have a topic they particularly want to discuss. 
 Please sign up on the doorkeeper page: 

 The meeting will be held in a hackathon event. 
 Please enjoy Ruby hacking with friends if you want before the meeting. 

 Note: Do not forget to register RubyKaigi ticket too (see "[ruby-core:120816] Invitation to RubyKaigi 2025" from Akira). 

 ### Program 

 * 10:00am door open and start the Hackathon event 
 * 3:00pm(?) Matz will arrive 
 * 4:00pm opening and self introduction 
 * 4:30pm discuss topics 
 * 6:00pm closing and free time (closing time is depends on topics) 
 * 7:00pm door close 

 ### Call for agenda items 

 If you have a ticket that you want matz and committers to discuss, please post it into this ticket in the following format: 

 * [Ticket ref] Ticket title (your name) 
   * Comment (A summary of the ticket, why you put this ticket here, what point should be discussed, etc.) 


 * [Feature #14609] `Kernel#p` without args shows the receiver (ko1) 
   * I feel this feature is very useful and some people say :+1: so let discuss this feature. 

 - It is recommended to add a comment by 2025/04/10. I'll ask Matz which should be discussed on this meeting and reorder them. 
 - The format is strict.    We'll use [this script to automatically create an markdown-style agenda](    We may ignore a comment that does not follow the format. 
 - Your comment is mandatory. We cannot read all discussion of the ticket in a limited time. We appreciate it if you could write a short summary and update from a previous discussion. 
