


Feature #4151

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) over 12 years ago

  How about a method for converting enumerable to hash? 
    enum.categorize([opts]) {|elt| [key1, ..., val] } -> hash 
  categorizes the elements in _enum_ and returns a hash. 
  The block is called for each elements in _enum_. 
  The block should return an array which contains 
  one or more keys and one value. 
    p (0..10).categorize {|e| [e % 3, e % 5] } 
    #=> {0=>[0, 3, 1, 4], 1=>[1, 4, 2, 0], 2=>[2, 0, 3]} 
  The keys and value are used to construct the result hash. 
  If two or more keys are provided 
  (i.e. the length of the array is longer than 2), 
  the result hash will be nested. 
    p (0..10).categorize {|e| [e&4, e&2, e&1, e] } 
    #=> {0=>{0=>{0=>[0, 8], 
    #              1=>[1, 9]}, 
    #          2=>{0=>[2, 10], 
    #              1=>[3]}}, 
    #      4=>{0=>{0=>[4], 
    #              1=>[5]}, 
    #          2=>{0=>[6], 
    #              1=>[7]}}} 
  The value of innermost hash is an array which contains values for 
  corresponding keys. 
  This behavior can be customized by :seed, :op and :update option. 
  This method can take an option hash. 
  Available options are follows: 
  - :seed specifies seed value. 
  - :op specifies a procedure from seed and value to next seed. 
  - :update specifies a procedure from seed and block value to next seed. 
  :seed, :op and :update customizes how to generate 
  the innermost hash value. 
  :seed and :op behavies like Enumerable#inject. 
  If _seed_ and _op_ is specified, the result value is generated as follows. ,, v0), v1), ...) 
  :update works as :op except the second argument is the block value itself 
  instead of the last value of the block value. 
  If :seed option is not given, the first value is used as the seed. 
    # The arguments for :op option procedure are the seed and the value. 
    # (i.e. the last element of the array returned from the block.) 
    r = [0].categorize(:seed => :s, 
                       :op => lambda {|x,y| 
                         p [x,y]                 #=> [:s, :v] 
                       }) {|e| 
      p e #=> 0 
      [:k, :v] 
    p r #=> {:k=>1} 
    # The arguments for :update option procedure are the seed and the array 
    # returned from the block. 
    r = [0].categorize(:seed => :s, 
                       :update => lambda {|x,y| 
                         p [x,y]                 #=> [:s, [:k, :v]] 
                       }) {|e| 
      p e #=> 0 
      [:k, :v] 
    p r #=> {:k=>1} 
  The default behavior, array construction, can be implemented as follows. 
    :seed => nil 
    :op => lambda {|s, v| !s ? [v] : (s << v) } 
  Note that matz doesn't find satisfact in the method name, "categorize". 
  Also note that matz wants another method than this method, 
  which the hash value is the last value, not an array of all values. 
  This can be implemented by enum.categorize(:op=>lambda {|x,y| y}) { ... }. 
  But good method name is not found yet. 
  Tanaka Akira 
  Attachment: enum-categorize.patch 
