


Bug #11156

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 9 years ago

Given a function that takes an argument and a block, the behavior wildly varies when parenthesis are omitted from the functions argument. 

 Consider the following function: 

 ~~~ruby ~~~ 
 require 'time' 

 def example(arg) 
   puts arg 
   if block_given? 
     puts yield 
     puts "no block" 

 Each of the following example sets presents one `example` call with parentheses explicitly defined and one whether the parenthesis are omitted. 

 For most literals (e.g. 1, 'string', true, false, nil, %w[array]), missing parenthesis causes a syntax error. 

 ~~~ruby ~~~ 
 example(1) { "block" } 
 # 1 
 # block 
 example 1 { "block" } 
 # SyntaxError: syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting end-of-input 

 Array literals, however, succeed: 

 ~~~ruby ~~~ 
 example([1]) { "block" } 
 # 1 
 # block 
 example [1] { "block" } 
 # 1 
 # block 

 Identifiers are called as methods if parentheses are omitted: 

 ~~~ruby ~~~ 
 example(Time) { "block "} 
 # Time 
 # block  
 example Time { "block" } 
 # NoMethodError: undefined method `Time' for main:Object 

 a = 1 
 example(a) { "block" } 
 # 1 
 # block 
 example a { "block" } 
 # NoMethodError: undefined method `a' for main:Object 

 Object with method calls simply skip the block when no parenthesis are present: 

 ~~~ruby ~~~ 
 example( { "block" } 
 # 2015-05-15 18:16:50 -0400 
 # block 
 example { "block" } 
 # 2015-05-15 18:16:50 -0400 
 # no block 

 Method calls with arguments behave about the same as the above... 

 ~~~ruby ~~~ 
 example(Integer(1)) { "block" } 
 # 1 
 # block 
 example Integer(1) { "block" } 
 # 1 
 # no block 

 ...except `Time.parse` gets weird: 

 ~~~ruby ~~~ 
 example(Time.parse('2015-01-01 0:00:00+00:00')) { "block" } 
 # 2015-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 
 # block 
 # => nil  
 example Time.parse('2015-01-01 0:00:00+00:00') { "block" } 
 # 0000-01-01 00:00:00 +0000    <---- Year 2000?!  
 # no block 
 # => nil 

 The lack of consistency across these use cases is extremely confusing and misleading. I'm of the opinion that parentheses omission should, in all cases, lead to a syntax error. 
