Feature #7148
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 9 years ago
I propose improved `Tempfile` Tempfile without `DelegateClass()`. DelegateClass(). Present `Tempfile` Tempfile has following problems. 1. 1) confusing inspect ~~~ruby t = Tempfile.new("foo") #=> #<File:/tmp/foo20121012-6762-12w11to> t.is_a? File #=> false ~~~ 2. `#dup` 2) #dup doesn't duplicate `IO` ~~~ruby IO t = Tempfile.new("foo") t.dup.close t.read #=> IOError: closed stream ~~~ 3. 3) finalizer performs unlink even when it has been duplicated ~~~ruby t = Tempfile.new("foo") path = t.path #=> "/tmp/foo20121012-7533-1q537gq" File.exist? path #=> true tt = t.dup t = nil GC.start File.exist? path #=> false ~~~ I think these problems caused by using `DelegateClass()`. DelegateClass(). Therefore, I made a patch to resolve the problems. The patched Tempfile class is a subclass of File.