Feature #1667
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 9 years ago
=begin Almost all "iterators" of `String` String are present in `IO` IO and `StringIO`: `#each_char`, `#each_byte`, `#each_line` StringIO: #each_char, #each_byte, #each_line and their corresponding `#chars`, `#bytes`, `#lines`. #chars, #bytes, #lines. Only `#each_codepoint` #each_codepoint and `#codepoints` #codepoints are not defined in `IO` IO and `StringIO`. StringIO. Unless there is a compelling reason not to, it would be useful if these were defined. This would mirror the coherence with all other `each_`* each_* methods that exist in both `String`, `IO` String, IO and `StringIO`. StringIO. =end