


Bug #11514

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 9 years ago

Testing Ruby 2.2.3 on AIX6.1 built with xlc (same with gcc) leads to a reproducible crash. 
 See complete trace in attached file. 
 Ruby version is: RUBY_PROGRAM_VERSION=2.2.3 . 

 # gmake V=1 test-all 
 objcopy -w -L 'Init_*' -L '*_threadptr_*' 
 /usr/vac/bin/xlc_r    -g -qinfo=por     -L.    -bE:ruby.imp -brtl -blibpath:NONE/lib:/usr/lib:/lib    main.o    -L/usr/local/lib -lruby    -lpthread -lgmp -ldl -lcrypt -lm      -o ruby 
 gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/ruby-2.2.3' 
 gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/ruby-2.2.3' 
 Generating RDoc documentation 
 ./miniruby -I./lib -I. -I.ext/common    ./tool/runruby.rb --extout=.ext    -- --disable-gems "./bin/rdoc" --root "." --page-dir "./doc" --encoding=UTF-8 --no-force-update --all --ri --op ".ext/rdoc" --debug    "." 
 Parsing sources... 
 100% [967/967]    vsnprintf.c                                                                    

 Generating RI format into /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/ruby-2.2.3/.ext/rdoc... 

 BEFORE @generator.generate in lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb 
 /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/ruby-2.2.3/lib/rdoc/markup/parser.rb:331: [BUG] **Segmentation fault** at 0x000004 
 ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [powerpc-aix6.1.9.0] 

 -- Control frame information ----------------------------------------------- 
 c:0025 p:---- s:0126 e:000125 CFUNC    **:byteslice** 
 c:0024 p:0019 s:0121 e:000120 METHOD /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/ruby-2.2.3/lib/rdoc/markup/parser.rb:331 
 c:0023 p:0009 s:0116 e:000115 METHOD /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/ruby-2.2.3/lib/rdoc/markup/parser.rb:547 
 c:0022 p:0438 s:0111 e:000108 METHOD /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/ruby-2.2.3/lib/rdoc/markup/parser.rb:501 
 c:0021 p:0017 s:0099 e:000098 METHOD /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/ruby-2.2.3/lib/rdoc/markup/parser.rb:62 
 c:0020 p:0019 s:0093 e:000092 METHOD /opt/freeware/src/packages/BUILD/ruby-2.2.3/lib/rdoc/markup.rb:748 

 gmake: *** [rdoc] IOT/Abort trap (core dumped) 

 # ll ./.ext/rdoc/core 
 -rw-------      1 root       system      269015892 Sep    8 14:08 ./.ext/rdoc/core 

 # dbx ./ruby ./.ext/rdoc/core 

 IOT/Abort trap in pthread_kill at 0xd051ceb4 ($t1) 
 0xd051ceb4 (pthread_kill+0xb4) 80410014           lwz     r2,0x14(r1) 
 (dbx) where 
 pthread_kill(??, ??) at 0xd051ceb4 
 _p_raise(??) at 0xd051c2e8 
 raise.raise(??) at 0xd011f8a0 
 abort() at 0xd01a9a04 
 die(), line 395 in "error.c" 
 libdebug assertion "(framep->getGpr(STKP, &addr) == DB_SUCCESS && *nextStkpp == addr)" failed at line 1299 in file ../../../../../../../../../../../src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libdbx/libdebug/modules/stackdebug/POWER/stackdb_FrameProgress.C 
 rb_bug_context(ctx = 0x200f83b0, fmt = "Segmentation fault at %p", ... = 0x4, 0xd052f200, 0x0, 0x117100f5, 0x117100f5, 0x200f7f28), line 427 in "error.c" 
 sigsegv(sig = 11, info = 0x200f863c, ctx = 0x200f83b0), line 879 in "signal.c" 
