


Bug #12139

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 8 years ago

I have been a windows dev for a while now. I have never solved this rails startup issue. Running one Rspec test takes rails 22 seconds to load on my PC. When I (temporarily) comment out the line in securerandom.rb and replace it with a hardcoded return the startup time is reduced to 10 seconds. 


   #return OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(n) 
   return "\xD3\x04F\f0\xD6{G\xB9\x81" 

 I can duplicate this on a windows 7 and windows 10 PC. 

 I have the lastest version of OpenSSL (1.02) installed.  

 Tickets like this have been reported before, but they get closed without being solved for unknown reasons. Please share the joy of Ruby with us PC users :). 
 See this more more info:
