


Feature #8661

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 7 years ago

Currently the way ruby prints the backtrace is that the error comes first & then the stack frames. like this 


   Main Error Message 
 stack frame 1 
 stack frame 2 
 stack frame 3 

  this is perfectly fine provided 

 1. Backstraces are short, so fits in terminal.hence, no need to scroll. 
 2. you read it from top to bottom. 

 But, I am a rails developer where  

 1. Backstraces are always HUGE, therefore seldom don't fit in terminal. Means LOTS of scrolling to do everytime we get an error. 
 2. in terminal we tend to read backstraces from bottom to top, especially when tailing(tail -f) the production logs.  
 3. people, who practice Test-driven development literally spend most of their time scrolling to read backstraces to the point most end up buying a larger display. 

 Proposed Solution: 
  Please add a way so we can configure backstraces to be printed in reverse order. so if you are reading from bottom, say from terminal, you can get the main error message without need to scroll. like this 


 stack frame 3 
 stack frame 2 
 stack frame 1 
  Main Error Message 


 this would save lot of time because when the error message is print at the bottom, no need to scroll for reading it. Not sure if this can be done today. I tried Overriding Exception#backtrace but it caused stack level too deep & illegal hardware instruction Error. 

 Attached are currently what backstrace currently looks like & how there be an option to make it look for comparison.
