Bug #12684
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 8 years ago
There is some strange behavior because Delegator is missing an alias of #eql? to #== ``` 2.3.1 `2.3.1 :001 > s = 'test' => "test" 2.3.1 :002 > d = SimpleDelegator.new(s) => "test" 2.3.1 :003 > d.eql?(d) => false 2.3.1 :004 > d == d => true 2.3.1 :005 > d.hash == d.hash => true ``` true` I understand that `Delegator` is a `BasicObject` and that does not define #eql? method, but this method is being used by `Array`r. Array. For example, ``` 2.3.1 `2.3.1 :001 > s = 'test' => "test" 2.3.1 :002 > a = [SimpleDelegator.new(s), SimpleDelegator.new(s)] => ["test", "test"] 2.3.1 :003 > a[0] == a[1] => true 2.3.1 :004 > a.uniq() => ["test", "test"] 2.3.1 :005 > a[0].hash == a[1].hash => true ``` true` Kind of strange behavior, especially reading the documentation. Now maybe, `Array#uniq` should be changed to use `#==` #== instead of `#eql?` #eql?