


Feature #14390

Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 6 years ago

I believe that it could be somewhat useful to have UnboundMethod converted to proc (accepting the object to bind to, as a first argument). 

 Practical(ish) example, paired with [Proc#rcurry]( proposal: 

   map(&Faraday.method(:get).rcurry[some_get_param: 'value']). 
   map(&JSON.method(:parse).rcurry[symbolize_names: true]). 
   map(&Hash.instance_method(:dig).rcurry[:foo :bar, :baz]) 

 It is somewhat more verbose than a lot of alternative proposals for "shorthand of &method call with arguments", yet requires no changes in parser or language design. With some future shortcuts/operators for `#method` and `#instance_method` it can even become pretty short and look like an "idiom". 

 PS: For the reference, shorthand that was proposed and rejected several times (see #6483, #4146): 
 ```ruby :bar, :baz)) 

 As it is indeed looks much shorter than my proposal, it raises a lot of question about what is that `:dig(:foo :bar, :baz)` and how it should be parsed and whether it can appear outside of `&`-calls.
