


Bug #14626

Updated by Benoit_Tigeot (Benoit Tigeot) over 6 years ago

I'm using ruby/trunk on 58fbe69a5b. When I run *make test-all TESTS='rubygems/test_require.rb'* 

 ~~~ text 
 Run options: "--ruby=./miniruby -I../ruby/lib -I. -I.ext/common    ../ruby/tool/runruby.rb --extout=.ext    -- --disable-gems" --excludes-dir=../ruby/test/excludes --name=!/memory_leak/ 

 # Running tests: 

 [ 2/21] TestGemRequire#test_dash_i_beats_gems = 0.05 s 
   1) Error: 
 NameError: uninitialized constant HELLO 
     /Users/bti/code/ruby/test/rubygems/test_require.rb:65:in `test_dash_i_beats_gems' 

 Finished tests in 0.656300s, 31.9976 tests/s, 135.6087 assertions/s. 
 21 tests, 89 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors, 1 skips 

 Here are my current environment details: 

 * osx 10.13.2 
 * ruby trunk 58fbe69a5b 

 Is I their a guide somewhere for git bisecting ruby trunk. I'm using and I'm not sure about the best way of doing it. 

 I'm running *make test-all* from my *build* folder but do I need to run *../ruby/configure ....* and *make install* everytime I checkout a previous version? I feel dumb of asking those questions. 


 Thanks a lot in advance 
