


Bug #15293

Updated by ngoto (Naohisa Goto) over 6 years ago

r64852以降、Solaris 10 上の Oracle Developer Studio 12.4 12.6 にてコンパイルすると、以下のエラーで array.c のコンパイルに失敗します。(r65641 にて確認) 

 cc -errtags=yes    -xO4 -xtarget=sparc64xplus -m64 -DRUBY_DEVEL=1 -DRUBY_EXPORT -DCANONICALIZATION_FOR_MATHN -I/usr/local/64/lib/libffi-3.0.10/include -I/usr/local/64/include    -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500     -I. -I.ext/include/sparc64-solaris2.10 -I./include -I. -I./enc/unicode/10.0.0    -o array.o -c array.c 
 "array.c", line 2977: warning: implicit function declaration: __extension__ (E_NO_IMPLICIT_DECL_ALLOWED) 
 "array.c", line 2977: syntax error before or at: { 
 "array.c", line 2977: undefined symbol: rb_intern_id_cache 
 "array.c", line 2977: undefined symbol: rb_intern_id_cache 
 "array.c", line 2977: syntax error before or at: ) 
 "array.c", line 2977: warning: old-style declaration or incorrect type for: rb_intern (E_OLD_STYLE_DECL_OR_BAD_TYPE) 
 "array.c", line 2977: identifier redeclared: rb_intern 
	 current : function() returning int 
	 previous: function(pointer to const char) returning unsigned long : "./include/ruby/ruby.h", line 1792 
 "array.c", line 2977: warning: old-style declaration or incorrect type for: sort_by_i (E_OLD_STYLE_DECL_OR_BAD_TYPE) 
 "array.c", line 2977: identifier redeclared: sort_by_i 
	 current : int 
	 previous: function(unsigned long, unsigned long, int, pointer to const unsigned long, unsigned long) returning unsigned long : "array.c", line 2949 
 "array.c", line 2977: warning: syntax error:    empty declaration (E_EMPTY_DECLARATION) 
 "array.c", line 2978: warning: function prototype parameters must have types (E_FUNC_PROTO_REQ_TYPES) 
 "array.c", line 2978: warning: old-style declaration or incorrect type for: rb_ary_replace (E_OLD_STYLE_DECL_OR_BAD_TYPE) 
 "array.c", line 2978: identifier redeclared: rb_ary_replace 
	 current : function() returning int 
	 previous: function(unsigned long, unsigned long) returning unsigned long : "./include/ruby/intern.h", line 96 
 "array.c", line 2979: syntax error before or at: return 
 "array.c", line 2979: warning: old-style declaration or incorrect type for: ary (E_OLD_STYLE_DECL_OR_BAD_TYPE) 
 "array.c", line 3760: identifier redeclared: rb_ary_replace 
	 current : function(unsigned long, unsigned long) returning unsigned long 
	 previous: function() returning int : "array.c", line 2978 
 "array.c", line 6363: warning: statement not reached (E_STATEMENT_NOT_REACHED) 
 "array.c", line 6409: warning: statement not reached (E_STATEMENT_NOT_REACHED) 
 cc: acomp failed for array.c 
 make: *** [array.o] Error 2 

 理由は、[Bug #12397] と同じです。 
 Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 には、`__builtin_constant_p()` は存在するため、`HAVE_BUILTIN___BUILTIN_CONSTANT_P` は 1 になります。しかし、`__extension__` は存在しません。(GCC拡張?) 
 このため、`__extension__` が普通の関数と見なされ、syntax error が発生しています。 

 つまり、r64582 だけでは条件を網羅できておらず不完全であり、`__extension__` の有無と(直下のコメント行に書かれているように)statement expression の有無に関する条件も追加する必要があると思います。 

 [Bug #12397] にも少し書いたように、configure で `__extension__` や statement expression の有無をチェックするようにするのがベストとは思います。
