


Misc #15459

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) almost 6 years ago

RubyKaigi 2019 will be at Fukuoka, Apr 18th to 20th 2019. It should be good time to gather Ruby interpreter developers. 
 I keep the meeting space at Fukuoka city, near to the Hakata station (the central station in Fukuoka) before and after RubyKaigi. 

 * Date:  
   * 2019/04/17 (Wed), before RubyKaigi2019 
   * 2019/04/21 (Sun), after RubyKaigi2019 
 * Location 
   * Fukuoka Ruby Content Industry Promotion Center, 
     Fukuoka Higashi Sougouchousha 5th floor, 
     1 Chome-17-1 Hakataekihigashi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka 
   * 福岡県Ruby・コンテンツ産業振興センター (in Japanese) (Japanese page) 

 There are two days but Matz can only attend Wednesday. 

 Maybe on Wednesday we can have a meeting with agenda, for example about Ruby 3. 

 I'm not sure we need Sunday meetup, but I keep a room for people who want to continue development. 
 If nobody attend Sunday meetup, I'll cancel room reservation. 

 I hope we can discuss topics on Wed and continue to discuss RubyKaigi days, and make a progress on Sunday. 

 ## Travel support 

 Same as last RubyKaigi, Cookpad Inc. will support travel fee (except hotel room fee) so please consider to attend this dev-meeting. 
 Also please invite people who are not a MRI committer but who are important person to talk with us. 
 I'll announce about this travel support soon. 

 ## Registration 

 * Sign-up on 

 ## Call for Topics 

 * Please comment discussion topics on Wed meeting. 
 * We have limited time to discuss, so that I'll ask Matz which topics we should talk with, and make time schedule in advance if there are many topics. 
 * Meeting room has a projector so you can bring your slides. 
 * Maybe attendee's topics will be prioritize. 

 ## Conclusion 

 Anyway, please keep your schedule. 
 FYI: Fukuoka city does not have enough hotel rooms so I recommend you to keep your rooms as soon as possible. 


 ## Before 
 ### log 
 * public: 
 * edit:
