


Bug #11485

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 5 years ago

This seems to be a regression in the Ripper parser where the `on_ignored_nl` event is passed a nil value for the token parameter in the event when a syntax error occurs. I'm not entirely sure of the details, but this is the most minimal reproduction example I could produce: 

 ~~~ruby ~~~ 
 require 'ripper' 

 class Parser < Ripper 
   def on_ignored_nl(*args) p args end 
   def on_parse_error(msg) $stderr.puts "ERROR! #{msg}" end 
 end, 'stdin').parse 

 something # comment 

 Note the "..." which causes the parse error, but the comment on the line before causes the ignored_nl event to get called with `nil` as the argument. I'm not sure if it's specific to the `...` token or if there are other ways to trigger this parse error. I tried with other invalid syntaxes and could not reproduce with those. 

 Running the above produces the following output (in 2.0.0p481 and 2.3.0-dev respective): 

 ~$ ruby -v 
 ruby 2.0.0p481 (2014-05-08 revision 45883) [universal.x86_64-darwin14] 
 ~$ ruby ripper-bug-2.2.0.rb  
 ERROR! syntax error, unexpected ..., expecting end-of-input 

 ~$ ruby -v 
 ruby 2.3.0dev (2015-08-24 trunk 51672) [x86_64-darwin14] 
 ~$ ruby ripper-bug-2.2.0.rb  
 ERROR! syntax error, unexpected ..., expecting end-of-input 

 I would not expect the token parameter to ever be `nil`, since a token event should always have a token to pass in if it is triggered. Note that this event typically produces a "\n" token value (and still does in normal cases). The expectation should be to either provide a valid token or not trigger the event at all. 

 (This behavior is present in 2.2.0p95 as well.)
