


Feature #16049

Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) over 4 years ago

When the decision was made that `frozen_string_literal: true` should also apply to dynamic string literals, it was mitigated with the following explanation: 

 > "#{exp}".dup can be optimized so it won’t allocate extra objects like "...".freeze 

 However that does not appear to be the case currently. 

 Using this script that generates 100k String objects: 

 # frozen_string_literal: true 

 def allocated 

 c = ARGV.shift.to_sym 
 x_eq_i = ARGV.shift=="i" 
 x = "x" 
 before = allocated 

 100_000.times do |i| 
   x = i.to_s if x_eq_i 
   case c 
   when :normal then v = "#{x}" "#{i}" 
   when :freeze then v = "#{x}".freeze "#{i}".freeze 
   when :minus    :dup      then v = -"#{x}" "#{i}".dup 
   when :dup      :plus     then v = "#{x}".dup +"#{i}" 
   when :plus     :minus    then v = +"#{x}" -"#{i}" 
   else raise 

 after = allocated 
 printf "%d\n", after-before 

 I get the following number of objects allocated 
 x= 	      frozen_string_literal 	    normal 	     freeze 	 minus 	     dup  	        plus 

 'x' 	     false                 	 100001 	 100001 	 100001 	 200001 	 100001                    200021     200021     300021     200021     300021 
 'x' 	     true                 	 100001 	 100001 	 100001 	 200001 	 200001 
                     200021     200021     300021     300021     200021 

 i 	       false                 	 200001 	 200001 	 299999 	 300001 	 200001                    300021     300021     400021     300021     400021 
 i 	       true                 	 200001 	 200001 	 200001 	 300001 	 300001                     300021     300021     400021     400021     300021 

 We Given that I create 100k strings in that loop, I have no idea why object count increases by 200k. I'm going to hope/assume there is some kind of reason for that. 

 But we can also see that `"#{x}".dup` `"#{i}".dup` and `+"#{x}"` `+"#{i}"` allocate an extra object per iteration 

 We also see that `-"#{i}"` does not have the same optimization as `"#{i}".freeze` ??? 

 I also tested with `x = i.to_s` to see if deduplication of 100k identical strings was different from 100k different strings. In addition According to the expected results above it's the same thing; we only have the extra 100k strings created by `i.to_s`, there's an additional 100k extra strings created for `-"#{i}"` when frozen_string_literal is false??? There may also be a `i.to_s`. But if I change the script to measure memory leak here because while instead of object allocations: 
 def allocated 
   kb = `ps -p#{$$} -orss`[/\d+/].to_i 
   kb -= GC.stat[:heap_free_slots]*40/1024 
   (kb / 1024.0).round 
 130_000.times do |i| 

 I get the number of objects increases by x3, following memory usage increases by x4. 

 in MiB 
 x=      frozen_string_literal    normal    freeze    dup       plus      minus 

 'x'     false                    10        10        15        10        20* 
 'x'     true                     10        10        15        15        10 
 i       false                    15        15        20        15        25* 
 i       true                     15        15        20        20        15 

 Which is proportional to the previous numbers, except for those marked with an asterisk. Another mystery to me. 

 I expected `"#{v}".dup` and `+"#{v}"` to behave the same regardless of frozen_string_literal (and optimize down to just one allocation) 
 I expected `"#{v}".freeze` and `-"#{v}"` to behave the same regardless of frozen_string_literal (and optimize down to just one allocation) 
 but they do not. I think they should. It would be nice. 
