


Bug #1544

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) almost 5 years ago

  I'm using rb_io_write to write (in C) to a StringIO instance (which was defined in Ruby, and passed to my C code) and noticed some strange behavior. 
  I'm writing to the IO at the beginning of a recursively called method and under 1.9.1 it's *really* slow unless I buffer up the contents then only write to the IO once using rb_io_write. For what I'm doing it's the difference between completing in 3.3 seconds, vs 0.13 seconds. 
  Under 1.8.6 I can write to the IO using rb_io_write in the smaller chunks (on ever recursive call) and it performs similar to the buffered write in 1.9.1. 
  Any known reason for this? 
