Misc #16396
Updated by sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) almost 5 years ago
When I have want to travel the paths that are in a script at `D:\Downloads\Ruby 2.5.3\rbL\comp\codeShort.rb` with disk this happens to me: ``` ruby #Source folder script: D:\Downloads\Ruby 2.5.3\rbL\comp\codeShort.rb -> In this folder there are few other files In the same folder, the following searches Find.find('D:') #Search only in the source folder where the `.rb` .rb script is located: located ``` ruby #Source folder script: D:\Downloads\Ruby 2.5.3\rbL\codeShort.rb -> In this folder there are many files Find.find('D:') ``` When I have a script at `D:\Downloads\Ruby 2.5.3\rbL\codeShort.rb` with many other files in #Search the same folder , the same code as above searches the entire disk D. D ``` To search For the entire disk D in the first case, case I did have solved it like this: ``` ruby Find.find('D:/') #Search the entire disk D ``` But I don't understand why the two in both cases behave differently with being the same instruction they behave differently just because they script are in different directories.