


Feature #5065

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 4 years ago


 I've noticed issue #5054, subjecting an "endall". 

 module MyModule 
   class MyClass 
     def my_method 
       10.times do 
         if rand < 0.5 
           p :small 


 To reduce typing, but to keep the levels, the following construct could be allowed: 

 module MyModule 
   class MyClass 
     def my_method 
       10.times {     # "10.times do" would work, too 
         if rand < 0.5 
           p :small 

 The speciality of this language would be, that an opening brace is not necessary 

 Several constructs allow already the use of "{}" (do / end), thus this would be possibly the consistent way to reduce typing effort, but to keep the structure intact. 

