


Feature #16962

Updated by ioquatix (Samuel Williams) about 4 years ago

I discussed this with @eregon and I think the goal here is to try and figure out a way these interfaces can be a bit less confusing.  

 ## 1. I don't understand this behaviour: 

 STDOUT.puts "Hello World" 
 # => closed stream 


 IO.for_fd(STDOUT.fileno, autoclose: true).close 
 STDOUT.puts "Hello World" 
 # => Hello World 

 ## 2. `IO.for_fd(..., autoclose: true/false)` 

 The documentation for `autoclose` is: 

 > If the value is false, the fd will be kept open after this IO instance gets finalized. 

 But it also seems to affect `#close` - i.e. calling close does not close underlying file descriptor. 

 Should we fix the documentation or is the implementation wrong? Maybe the name `autoclose:` is very confusing. My initial interpretation was it was just 'automatically close this I/O when it is garbage collected'. 

 ## 3. `IO.for_fd(..., autoclose: false)` default 

 In most cases, it seems like `autoclose: false` would make more sense as the default, since the file descriptor must come from some other place. 
