


Bug #17181

Updated by sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) over 4 years ago

I found a problem with Hashes that use uses a default proc. 

 x = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } 
 x[:a] << 1 
 x[:b] << 2 

 I expected that transforming the values as follows: 

 y = x.transform_values { |arr| } 

 should create a new array, and I should still be able to push a new element into it as follows: 

 y[:c] << 3 
 y # => {:a=>[2], :b=>[3], :c=>[3]} 

 But I expected that even after transforming the values I could add a new key, but the result is weird. 

 y[:c]        # This returns the default_proc Proc object 
 y[:c] << 3 # >> Since it is not the newly created array, it breaks with TypeError (callable object is expected) 
 y[:c] Y[:c].call # => When tried to call the default_proc Proc object 
 Y[:c].call # I found out that the 'h' is nil, meaning that it doesn't have the reference to the hash anymore 

 It should work by just creating the new array on that hey and pushing the new value 

 y[:c] << 3 
 # Now y should be 
 {:a=>[2], :b=>[3], :c=>[3]} 
