


Feature #17762

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 3 years ago

How about having a short hand to `ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start`, `ObjectSpace.allocation_sourcefile` and `ObjectSpace.allocation_sourceline`? 

 They are a very powerful tool for debugging and code-reading which allows us to identify an allocation site of an object. 
 Though they are never lightweight, they are the last resort when you try debugging code written by someone else. 

 However, the names are too long for me to remember and to type. Whenever I want to use them, I have to google, copy and paste the names. 

 ## Proposal 

 To enable trace allocations: 

 require "objspace/trace" #=> objspace/trace is enabled 

 To show the allocation site of an object: 

 p obj #=> #<Object:0x...> @ (file.rb):(lineno) 

 ## Example 

 require "objspace/trace" 
 require "active_support/all" 

 p ActiveSupport::VERSION::STRING 
   #=> "" @ /home/mame/work/ruby/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/activesupport- 

 ## Discussion 

 I've attached a simple patch that is originally authored by @ko1 . 

 * Is the message `objspace/trace is enabled` needed or not? 
 * To stop the trace, you need to use `ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_stop`. `Object.trace_object_allocations_stop`. But, I guess that it is rare that we need to stop it during debugging. 
 * Is it too radical to redefine `Kernel#p`? I think that it is good enough for many cases. When it matters, the original APIs (`ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_start`, ...) can be used.
