Feature #18773
Updated by kddnewton (Kevin Newton) over 2 years ago
Currently when you're pattern matching against a hash pattern, `deconstruct_keys` receives the keys that are being matched. This is really useful for computing expensive hashes.
However, when you're pattern matching against an array pattern, you don't receive any information. So if the array is expensive to compute (for instance loading an array of database records), you have no way to bail out. It would be useful to receive a range signifying how many records the pattern is specifying. It would be used like the following:
class ActiveRecord::Relation
def deconstruct(range)
(loaded? || range.cover?(count)) ? records : nil
It needs to be a range and not just a number to handle cases where `*` is used. You would use it like:
case Person.all
in []
"No records"
in [person]
"Only #{person.name}"
"Multiple people"
In this way, you wouldn't have to load the whole thing into memory to check if it pattern matched. The patch is here: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/5905.