

MSP-Greg (Greg L)

  • Login: MSP-Greg
  • Registered on: 07/17/2016
  • Last sign in: 06/29/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 16 167 183



12:03 AM Ruby master Revision 18404af9 (git): .github/actions/setup/macos/action.yml - use brew openssl@3, not 1.1
MSP-Greg (Greg L)


12:01 AM Ruby master Bug #20591 (Open): macOS head - all are using OpenSSL 1.1.1?
Currently, the macos.yml file used for GHA CI is using OpenSSL 1.1.1, and the same for the builds done in https://git... MSP-Greg (Greg L)


02:52 PM Ruby master Bug #20560: make install - skipped bundled gems - minor issue
I've maintained a GH repo that outputs build information about Ruby versions available on GitHub Actions.
The most...
MSP-Greg (Greg L)


07:23 PM Ruby master Bug #20560 (Open): make install - skipped bundled gems - minor issue
See most recent job:
Which is...
MSP-Greg (Greg L)
07:12 PM Ruby master Misc #20523: mswin and MSFT/vcpkg
Thanks for the fix.
When you closed the PR I opened, you stated 'It caused surprisedly build failure with...
MSP-Greg (Greg L)


04:55 PM Ruby master Feature #20524 (Closed): mswin and gmp
Currently, the `vcpkg.json` file exists, and it can be used to specify what MSFT/vcpkg packages to install, and also ... MSP-Greg (Greg L)
04:53 PM Ruby master Misc #20523 (Closed): mswin and MSFT/vcpkg
Currently the `windows.yml`workflow caches MSFT/vcpkg packages and the `vcpkg.json` file locks the vcpkg repo to an o... MSP-Greg (Greg L)


09:53 AM Ruby master Revision 902cbd05 (git): [CI] windows.yml - use MSYS2 bison instead of Chocolatey
MSP-Greg (Greg L)
04:58 AM Ruby master Revision 47971272 (git): [CI] windows.yml - use MSYS2 bison instead of Chocolatey
MSP-Greg (Greg L)


02:47 PM Ruby master Revision 9ba49c61 (git): mingw.yml - remove encoding, run tests in cmd shell
MSP-Greg (Greg L)

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