

eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)

  • Login: eugeneius
  • Registered on: 01/08/2017
  • Last sign in: 04/24/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



08:29 PM Ruby master Revision 6edd65a0 (git): [Bug #20450] Remove rubyarchdir from bootsnap paths
eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)


04:29 AM Ruby master Bug #20450 (Closed): Ruby 3.3.1 broken with bootsnap
Applied in changeset commit:git|67dd9af17e5c6c541a8cc84b1741deaf175fcf83.
[Bug #20450] Remove rubyarchdir...
eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)
04:29 AM Ruby master Revision 67dd9af1 (git): [Bug #20450] Remove rubyarchdir from bootsnap paths
eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)


11:14 AM Ruby master Bug #20450: Ruby 3.3.1 broken with bootsnap
I submitted a fix for this issue at eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)


11:31 PM Ruby master Bug #17220: Rails Active Job integration test fails with Ruby 3.0.0 since 2038cc6cab6ceeffef3ec3a765c70ae684f829ed
I checked the glibc source, and it intentionally keeps the thread alive:
/* If the runlist is empty, t...
eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)


11:57 PM Ruby master Bug #17220: Rails Active Job integration test fails with Ruby 3.0.0 since 2038cc6cab6ceeffef3ec3a765c70ae684f829ed
Here's a small script that reproduces the problem:
require "socket"
Socket.getaddrinfo("localhost", ni...
eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)


04:09 PM Ruby master Bug #14742: Deadlock when autoloading different constants in the same file from multiple threads
It looks like the fix was un-reverted in r63392. Thank you for working on this, Eric! eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)


02:16 AM Ruby master Bug #14742 (Closed): Deadlock when autoloading different constants in the same file from multiple threads
The following example deadlocks consistently:
~~~ ruby
# a.rb
autoload :Foo, __dir__ + "/b"
autoload :Bar, __di...
eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)
01:27 AM Ruby master Bug #10892: Deadlock in autoload
The simpler repro script runs successfully from 2.3.0 onwards, and `git bisect` between 2.2.0 and 2.3.0 shows that r5... eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)


02:34 AM Ruby master Bug #13107: def_delegators causes random errors in MRI 2.4.0
Here's another patch that also fixes the problem, while keeping the optimisation from r55376.
I'll admit that I ha...
eugeneius (Eugene Kenny)

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