

matthewd (Matthew Draper)

  • Login: matthewd
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  • Registered on: 12/11/2013
  • Last sign in: 06/05/2024


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Reported issues 1 2 3



06:58 AM Ruby master Feature #15554: warn/error passing a block to a method which never use a block
Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote in #note-40:
> With the example from @mame, I think adding `(&)` or `(&on_missing)` for...
matthewd (Matthew Draper)


08:51 PM Ruby master Revision ed712e0e (git): Skip allocation if handle_interrupt arg is already usable
If the supplied hash is already frozen and compare-by-identity, we can
use it directly (still checking its contents a...
matthewd (Matthew Draper)
08:51 PM Ruby master Revision aed52151 (git): Optimize handle_interrupt(Exception => ..) as a common case
When interrupt behavior is configured for all possible exceptions using
'Exception', there's no need to iterate the p...
matthewd (Matthew Draper)


07:27 PM Ruby master Revision c746f380 (git): YJIT: Support nil and blockparamproxy as blockarg in send (#6492)
Co-authored-by: John Hawthorn <>
Co-authored-by: John Hawthorn <>
matthewd (Matthew Draper)


03:38 PM Ruby master Revision ab08a43e (git): YJIT: Teach getblockparamproxy to handle the no-block case without exiting (#6191)
Teach getblockparamproxy to handle the no-block case without exiting
Co-authored-by: John Hawthorn <john@hawthorn.em...
matthewd (Matthew Draper)


01:25 PM Ruby master Feature #12962: Feature Proposal: Extend 'protected' to support module friendship
The trouble with using `send` in this [general] situation is that it makes it too equally-easy to reach into _all_ in... matthewd (Matthew Draper)


03:02 PM Ruby master Feature #12962: Feature Proposal: Extend 'protected' to support module friendship
> Calling "private/protected" methods on another object feels rather wrong to me.
The whole point of `protected` i...
matthewd (Matthew Draper)


11:49 AM Ruby master Feature #18568: Explore lazy RubyGems boot to reduce need for --disable-gems
> Over 80% of CRuby's base startup is due to eagerly booting RubyGems. We can do better!
It's not the main point her...
matthewd (Matthew Draper)


12:28 PM Ruby master Feature #15554: warn/error passing a block to a method which never use a block
This is great! Ignored blocks can be very confusing.
> A method called by super doesnt warn warning even if this m...
matthewd (Matthew Draper)


10:01 AM Ruby master Feature #14045: Lazy Proc allocation for block parameters
This is excellent news indeed!
Do you think a similar technique could work for passing along `*args` in the future...
matthewd (Matthew Draper)

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