



Feature #14045


Lazy Proc allocation for block parameters

Added by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Target version:



If we need to pass given block, we need to capture by block parameter as a Proc object and pass it parameter as a block argument. Like that:

def block_yield

def block_pass &b
  # do something

There are no way to pass given blocks to other methods without using block parameters.

One problem of this technique is performance. Proc creation is one of heavyweight operation because we need to store all of local variables (represented by Env objects in MRI internal) to heap. If block parameter is declared as one of method parameter, we need to make a new Proc object for the block parameter.

Proposal: Lazy Proc allocation for

To avoid this overhead, I propose lazy Proc creation for block parameters.


  • At the beginning of method, a block parameter is nil
  • If block parameter is accessed, then create a Proc object by given block.
  • If we pass the block parameter to other methods like block_yield(&b) then don't make a Proc, but pass given block information.

We don't optimize type block invocations. If we call block with, then create Proc object.We need to hack more because Proc#call is different from yield statement (especially they can change $SAFE).


def iter_yield

def iter_pass &b

def iter_yield_bp &b

def iter_call &b

N = 10_000_000 # 10M

require 'benchmark'


ruby 2.5.0dev (2017-10-24 trunk 60392) [x86_64-linux]
                 user     system      total        real
yield        0.634891   0.000000   0.634891 (  0.634518)
yield_bp     2.770929   0.000008   2.770937 (  2.769743)
yield_pass   3.047114   0.000000   3.047114 (  3.046895)
send_pass    3.322597   0.000002   3.322599 (  3.323657)
call         3.144668   0.000000   3.144668 (  3.143812)

                 user     system      total        real
yield        0.582620   0.000000   0.582620 (  0.582526)
yield_bp     0.731068   0.000000   0.731068 (  0.730315)
yield_pass   0.926866   0.000000   0.926866 (  0.926902)
send_pass    1.110110   0.000000   1.110110 (  1.109579)
call         2.891364   0.000000   2.891364 (  2.890716)

Related work

To delegate the given block to other methods, Single & block parameter had been proposed ( (using like: def foo(&); bar(&); end). This idea is straightforward to represent block passing. Also we don't need to name a block parameter.

The advantage of this ticket proposal is we don't change any syntax. We can write compatible code for past versions.


Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #11256: anonymous block forwardingClosedmatz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)Actions
Related to Ruby - Feature #14267: Lazy proc allocation introduced in #14045 creates regressionClosedActions

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) over 7 years ago

I very much support this proposal. I have discussed ideas in this direction with Koichi earlier, but at that time was told that it may be too difficult to implement. I'm very glad to see that Koichi managed to implement it!

Actions #2

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset trunk|r60397.

Lazy Proc allocation for block parameters
[Feature #14045]

  • insns.def (getblockparam, setblockparam): add special access
    instructions for block parameters.
    getblockparam checks VM_FRAME_FLAG_MODIFIED_BLOCK_PARAM and
    if it is not set this instruction creates a Proc object from
    a given blcok and set VM_FRAME_FLAG_MODIFIED_BLOCK_PARAM.
    setblockparam is similar to setlocal, but set

  • compile.c: use get/setblockparm instead get/setlocal instructions.
    Note that they are used for method local block parameters (def m(&b)),
    not for block local method parameters (iter{|&b|).

  • proc.c (get_local_variable_ptr): creates Proc object for

  • safe.c (safe_setter): we need to create Proc objects for postponed
    block parameters when $SAFE is changed.

  • vm_args.c (args_setup_block_parameter): used only for block local blcok

  • vm_args.c (vm_caller_setup_arg_block): if called with
    VM_CALL_ARGS_BLOCKARG_BLOCKPARAM flag then passed block values should be
    a block handler.

  • test/ruby/test_optimization.rb: add tests.

  • benchmark/bm_vm1_blockparam*: added.

Updated by matthewd (Matthew Draper) over 7 years ago

This is excellent news indeed!

Do you think a similar technique could work for passing along *args in the future?

It would be great if simple delegation could get a similar gain by going zero-allocation:

def goal a, b
  a - b

def splat *args

def separate a, b
  goal(a, b)

N = 10_000_000

require "benchmark"
Benchmark.bmbm(10) {|x|"splat") {
    N.times {
      splat(5, 2)
  }"separate") {
    N.times {
      separate(5, 2)
Actions #4

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 7 years ago

Updated by myronmarston (Myron Marston) about 7 years ago

This change introduces a bug in RSpec. I'm working on a work around for RSpec (and hope to cut a release with a fix soon) but users running Ruby 2.5 with an older RSpec version will be affected, and the slight change in semantics introduced by this change might create bugs in other libraries and applications as well.

In RSpec, we've defined a Hook struct (which stores a block plus some associated metadata), and depend upon == working properly to compare two Hook instances. The fact that the proc is now initialized lazily is causing problems because what is fundamentally the same block can wind up with two different proc instances, whereas it had only one before. This causes two Hook instances which were equal before to no longer be considered equal. Here's a script that demonstrates the regression:

# regression.rb
def return_proc(&block)

def return_procs(&block)
  block.inspect if ENV['INSPECT_BLOCK']

  proc_1 = return_proc(&block)
  proc_2 = return_proc(&block)

  return proc_1, proc_2

proc_1, proc_2 = return_procs { }

puts "Proc equality: #{proc_1 == proc_2}"

Here's the output on Ruby 2.4 vs Ruby 2.5:

$ chruby 2.4
$ ruby regression.rb
Proc equality: true
$ chruby 2.5
$ ruby regression.rb
Proc equality: false
$ INSPECT_BLOCK=1 ruby regression.rb
Proc equality: true

As the output shows, the two procs were equal on 2.4 but are no longer equal on 2.5. However, if we call a method on the block (such as inspecting it), it defeats the lazy initialization and allows them to still be equal.

As I said, I'm working on addressing this change in RSpec, and while I can fairly easily fix the tests that fail as a result of this, I'm concerned that there might be other bugs this introduces that are not caught by our test suite.

Is there a way to keep this feature w/o introducing this regression? If not, it might be worth considering reverting it since it does introduce a regression, and a very subtle one at that.


Updated by myronmarston (Myron Marston) about 7 years ago

For those who are interested, the work around I've implemented in RSpec is here:

From 84670489bb4943a62e783bd65f96e4b55360b141 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Myron Marston <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2018 12:22:16 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Work around regressions introduced by lazy proc allocation.

This Ruby 2.5 feature is causing bugs with our hooks because
we depend upon `Hook#==` working properly for the same source
hook block. In Ruby 2.5 they introduced lazy proc allocation
which can result in two `Hook` instances which were previously
correctly considered to be equal to no longer be considered
equal. To work around this, we just need to invoke a method on
the proc before passing it along to other methods.

Note that there might be other bugs introduced by the Ruby 2.5
change, but this fixes the only test failures due to it, so this
is all we are changing for now.

Fixes #2488.
 lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb b/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb
index 4152173f0..b02b803df 100644
--- a/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb
@@ -1808,6 +1808,12 @@ def before(scope=nil, *meta, &block)
         handle_suite_hook(scope, meta) do
           @before_suite_hooks <<, {})
         end || begin
+          # defeat Ruby 2.5 lazy proc allocation to ensure
+          # the methods below are passed the same proc instances
+          # so `Hook` equality is preserved. For more info, see:
+          #
+          block.__id__
           add_hook_to_existing_matching_groups(meta, scope) { |g| g.before(scope, *meta, &block) }
           super(scope, *meta, &block)
@@ -1831,6 +1837,12 @@ def prepend_before(scope=nil, *meta, &block)
         handle_suite_hook(scope, meta) do
           @before_suite_hooks.unshift, {})
         end || begin
+          # defeat Ruby 2.5 lazy proc allocation to ensure
+          # the methods below are passed the same proc instances
+          # so `Hook` equality is preserved. For more info, see:
+          #
+          block.__id__
           add_hook_to_existing_matching_groups(meta, scope) { |g| g.prepend_before(scope, *meta, &block) }
           super(scope, *meta, &block)
@@ -1849,6 +1861,12 @@ def after(scope=nil, *meta, &block)
         handle_suite_hook(scope, meta) do
           @after_suite_hooks.unshift, {})
         end || begin
+          # defeat Ruby 2.5 lazy proc allocation to ensure
+          # the methods below are passed the same proc instances
+          # so `Hook` equality is preserved. For more info, see:
+          #
+          block.__id__
           add_hook_to_existing_matching_groups(meta, scope) { |g| g.after(scope, *meta, &block) }
           super(scope, *meta, &block)
@@ -1872,6 +1890,12 @@ def append_after(scope=nil, *meta, &block)
         handle_suite_hook(scope, meta) do
           @after_suite_hooks <<, {})
         end || begin
+          # defeat Ruby 2.5 lazy proc allocation to ensure
+          # the methods below are passed the same proc instances
+          # so `Hook` equality is preserved. For more info, see:
+          #
+          block.__id__
           add_hook_to_existing_matching_groups(meta, scope) { |g| g.append_after(scope, *meta, &block) }
           super(scope, *meta, &block)
@@ -1881,6 +1905,12 @@ def append_after(scope=nil, *meta, &block)
       # See {Hooks#around} for full `around` hook docs.
       def around(scope=nil, *meta, &block)
+        # defeat Ruby 2.5 lazy proc allocation to ensure
+        # the methods below are passed the same proc instances
+        # so `Hook` equality is preserved. For more info, see:
+        #
+        block.__id__
         add_hook_to_existing_matching_groups(meta, scope) { |g| g.around(scope, *meta, &block) }
         super(scope, *meta, &block)

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) about 7 years ago

myronmarston (Myron Marston) wrote:

This change introduces a bug in RSpec. I'm working on a work around for RSpec (and hope to cut a release with a fix soon) but users running Ruby 2.5 with an older RSpec version will be affected, and the slight change in semantics introduced by this change might create bugs in other libraries and applications as well.

Four comments:

  • Don't report a bug on a closed feature, report it as a new bug (and link to the feature), thanks.

  • Comparing blocks/procs is always a somewhat dangerous thing.

  • Lazy allocation shouldn't mean multiple allocations. I haven't looked at the implementation, but I hope this can be fixed.

  • For a core library such as RSpec, please test the betas and release candidates (yes we know they were late this time). Things will be easier for you if you find problems earlier.

Updated by myronmarston (Myron Marston) about 7 years ago

Don't report a bug on a closed feature, report it as a new bug (and link to the feature), thanks.

Thanks, I wasn't aware which way was preferred. I've opened #14267 to report this as a new bug.

Comparing blocks/procs is always a somewhat dangerous thing.

Agreed, but when dealing with RSpec hooks (which are fundamentally block + some metadata) this was the simplest way to make the features work. I'd have to put some more through into if we could refactor to avoid the need.

Lazy allocation shouldn't mean multiple allocations. I haven't looked at the implementation, but I hope this can be fixed.

I sure hope so!

For a core library such as RSpec, please test the betas and release candidates (yes we know they were late this time). Things will be easier for you if you find problems earlier.

I agree that would be a great idea, but to be completely honest, I'm very unlikely to make the time to do that. My open source time is very limited these days. If I have move time to spend on open source around future Ruby releases I will try to contribute in this way.

Actions #9

Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) about 7 years ago

  • Related to Feature #14267: Lazy proc allocation introduced in #14045 creates regression added

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