

Eregon (Benoit Daloze)

  • Login: Eregon
  • Registered on: 07/30/2009
  • Last sign in: 06/26/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 59 60
Reported issues 20 184 204


Project Roles Registered on
Ruby Committer 08/02/2012
Backport187 Committer 06/18/2013
Backport191 Committer 08/02/2012
Backport192 Committer 08/02/2012
Backport193 Committer 08/02/2012
Backport200 Committer 02/17/2013
Backport21 Committer 12/21/2013
Backport22 Committer 12/19/2014
Ruby 1.8 Committer 08/02/2012
Ruby master Committer 08/02/2012




11:09 AM Ruby master Misc #20652: Memory allocation for gsub has increased from Ruby 2.7 to 3.3
FWIW, what TruffleRuby does for this is to store `$~` as a frame-local thread-local variable, but thread-local only i... Eregon (Benoit Daloze)


11:39 AM Ruby master Revision 53f0d3b1 (git): [ruby/prism] Do not serialize common flags when PRISM_SERIALIZE_ONLY_SEMANTICS_FIELDS is set
* Note that we could shift the flags by 2 on serialize & deserialize
but it does not seems worth it as it does not ...
Eregon (Benoit Daloze)
11:39 AM Ruby master Revision 9cc2747e (git): [ruby/prism] Do not serialize node_id when PRISM_SERIALIZE_ONLY_SEMANTICS_FIELDS is set
* $ bundle exec rake serialized_size:topgems
Total sizes for top 100 gems:
total source size: 90207647
Eregon (Benoit Daloze)


04:33 PM Ruby master Bug #20614: Integer#size returns incorrect values on 64-bit Windows
alanwu (Alan Wu) wrote in #note-8:
> We can fix the weirdness of having unused bytes in fixnums on LP32 platforms lik...
Eregon (Benoit Daloze)
12:17 PM Ruby master Bug #20614: Integer#size returns incorrect values on 64-bit Windows
I found it: Eregon (Benoit Daloze)
12:13 PM Ruby master Bug #20614: Integer#size returns incorrect values on 64-bit Windows
@nobu Could you give some pointers?
At least `VALUE` is pointer-sized:
Eregon (Benoit Daloze)


03:19 PM Ruby master Feature #20594: A new String method to append bytes while preserving encoding
I wonder if that's a bug of `bytesplice`.
It's not like e.g. `setbyte` would respect the encoding (it cannot possibl...
Eregon (Benoit Daloze)
10:54 AM Ruby master Feature #20594: A new String method to append bytes while preserving encoding
mame (Yusuke Endoh) wrote in #note-7:
> Existing methods with byte-prefix (String#byteindex, #bytesplite, etc.) mean...
Eregon (Benoit Daloze)
10:42 AM Ruby master Bug #20626: `defined?(@ivar)` should return nil when `@iv` can raise on Ractor
AFAIK `defined?(expr)` checks whether the expression is defined, e.g. if it's a variable whether there is such a vari... Eregon (Benoit Daloze)


03:28 PM Ruby master Feature #20624: Enhance `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node#locations` method and `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Location` class
This new API also seems hard-to-use BTW, because `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node#locations` returns an Array of loc... Eregon (Benoit Daloze)

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