


Bug #14600 » test-rexml.patch

MSP-Greg (Greg L), 03/13/2018 03:01 PM

View differences:

# The element to which this attribute belongs
attr_reader :element
# Set parent equal to element 2017-11 Should Attribute have this property?
def parent ; @element ; end
# The normalized value of this attribute. That is, the attribute with
# entities intact.
attr_writer :normalized
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tests xmlns:var="">
<!-- test for jaxen-24 -->
<document url="xml/jaxen24.xml">
<document url="jaxen24.xml">
<context select="/body/div">
<test select="preceding::*[1]" count="1"/>
<valueOf select="local-name(preceding::*[1])">span</valueOf>
<!-- test for jaxen-3 -->
<document url="xml/simple.xml">
<document url="simple.xml">
<context select="/">
<valueOf select="string()">abd</valueOf>
<!-- test for jaxen-3 -->
<document url="xml/jaxen3.xml">
<document url="jaxen3.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="/Configuration/hostname/attrlist/hostname[. = 'CE-A'] " count="1"/>
<!-- parser test cases all of which should fail-->
<document url="xml/numbers.xml">
<!--2017-11 <document url="numbers.xml"> -->
<context select="/">
<!-- repeated xpaths, jaxen-35 -->
<test exception="true" select="/numbers numbers" count="0"/>
<!-- invalid xpath, jaxen-34 -->
<test exception="true" select="/a/b[c > d]efg" count="0"/>
<!-- invalid xpath, jaxen-27 -->
<test exception="true" select="/inv/child::" count="0"/>
<!-- invalid xpath, jaxen-26 -->
<test exception="true" select="/invoice/@test[abcd" count="0"/>
<test exception="true" select="/invoice/@test[abcd > x" count="0"/>
<test exception="true" select="string-length('a" count="0"/>
<test exception="true" select="/descendant::()" count="0"/>
<test exception="true" select="(1 + 1" count="0"/>
<!-- test cases for the use of underscores in names -->
<document url="xml/underscore.xml">
<document url="underscore.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="/root/@a" count="1"/>
<test select="/root/@_a" count="1"/>
<!-- test cases for the use of = with nodesets -->
<document url="xml/web.xml">
<document url="web.xml">
<context select="/">
<valueOf select="/web-app/servlet/servlet-name = 'file'">true</valueOf>
<valueOf select="/web-app/servlet/servlet-name = 'snoop'">true</valueOf>
<document url="xml/numbers.xml">
<document url="numbers.xml">
<context select="/">
<valueOf select="/numbers/set/nr = '-3'">true</valueOf>
<valueOf select="/numbers/set/nr = -3">true</valueOf>
<!-- test basic math... -->
<document url="xml/numbers.xml">
<document url="numbers.xml">
<context select="/">
<valueOf select="(8 * 2 + 1) = 17">true</valueOf>
<valueOf select="(1 + 8 * 2) = 17">true</valueOf>
<valueOf select="1 = 2 = 2">false</valueOf>
<!-- 2!=(3!=1) => 2!=1 => true, (2!=3)!=1 => 1!=1 => false -->
<valueOf select="2 != 3 != 1">false</valueOf>
<!-- 3 > (2 > 1) is true -->
<!-- 2017-11
3 > (2 > 1) is true
<valueOf select="3 &gt; 2 &gt; 1">false</valueOf>
<!-- 3 >= (2 >= 2) is true -->
3 >= (2 >= 2) is true
<valueOf select="3 &gt;= 2 &gt;= 2">false</valueOf>
<!-- 1 < (2 < 3) is false -->
1 < (2 < 3) is false
<valueOf select="1 &lt; 2 &lt; 3">true</valueOf>
<!-- 0 <= (2 <= 3) is true -->
0 <= (2 <= 3) is true
<valueOf select="2 &lt;= 2 &lt;= 3">true</valueOf>
<!-- test cases for preceding axis with different node types -->
<document url="xml/pi2.xml">
<document url="pi2.xml">
<context select="/a/c">
<test select="//processing-instruction()" count="1"/>
<test select="preceding-sibling::*" count="1"/>
<document url="xml/id.xml">
<document url="id.xml">
<context select="/"
<document url="xml/id.xml">
<document url="id.xml">
<context select="/">
<!-- attributes have a parent: their element -->
<test select="/foo/@id/parent::foo" count="1"/>
<document url="xml/pi.xml">
<document url="pi.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="//processing-instruction()" count="3"/>
<test select="//processing-instruction('cheese')" count="2"/>
<!-- test evaluate() extension function -->
<document url="xml/evaluate.xml">
<document url="evaluate.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="evaluate('//jumps/*')" count="3"/>
<test select="evaluate('//jumps/object/dog')" count="1"/>
<document url="xml/numbers.xml">
<document url="numbers.xml">
<context select="/numbers/set[1]">
<test select="*[-3 = .]" count="1"/>
<valueOf select="54 &lt; *">true</valueOf>
<!-- test sibling axes -->
<document url="xml/axis.xml">
<document url="axis.xml">
<context select="/root">
<test select="preceding-sibling::*" count="0"/>
<document url="xml/web.xml">
<document url="web.xml">
<context select="/">
<valueOf select="/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name">snoop</valueOf>
<!-- test name -->
<document url="xml/web.xml">
<document url="web.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="*" count="1">
<valueOf select="name()">web-app</valueOf>
<test select="child::*" count="1">
<valueOf select="name()">web-app</valueOf>
<valueOf select="name()">web-app</valueOf>
<test select="/*" count="1">
<valueOf select="name()">web-app</valueOf>
<test select="/child::node()" count="1">
<valueOf select="name(.)">web-app</valueOf>
<valueOf select="name()">web-app</valueOf>
<!-- 2017-11
<test select="child::node()" count="1">
<valueOf select="name(.)">web-app</valueOf>
<valueOf select="name(.)">web-app</valueOf>
<!-- empty names -->
<valueOf select="name()"></valueOf>
<!-- test predicates -->
<document url="xml/nitf.xml">
<document url="nitf.xml">
<context select="/nitf/head/docdata">
<test select="doc-id[@regsrc='AP' and @id-string='D76UIMO80']" count="1"/>
<context select="/nitf/head">
<test select="meta[@name='ap-cycle']" count="1"/>
<test select="meta[@content='AP']" count="1"/>
<test select="meta[@name and @content]" count="8"/>
<test select="meta[@content]" count="8"/>
<test select="meta[@name]" count="8"/>
<!-- 2017-11 <test select="meta[@name or @content]" count="8"/> -->
<!-- 2017-11 <test select="meta[@name and @content]" count="8"/> -->
<test select="meta[@name='ap-cycle' and @content='AP']" count="1"/>
<test select="meta[@name != 'ap-cycle']" count="7"/>
<context select="/">
<test select="/nitf/head/meta[@name='ap-cycle']" count="1"/>
<test select="/nitf/head/meta[@content='AP']" count="1"/>
<test select="/nitf/head/meta[@name and @content]" count="8"/>
<!-- 2017-11 <test select="/nitf/head/meta[@name and @content]" count="8"/> -->
<test select="/nitf/head/meta[@name='ap-cycle' and @content='AP']" count="1"/>
<test select="/nitf/head/meta[@name != 'ap-cycle']" count="7"/>
<document url="xml/moreover.xml">
<document url="moreover.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="/child::node()" count="1"/>
<!-- 2017-11 <test select="/child::node()" count="1"/> -->
<test select="/*" count="1"/>
<test select="/*/article" count="20"/>
<!-- test other node types-->
<document url="xml/contents.xml">
<document url="contents.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="processing-instruction()" count="3"/>
<test select="/processing-instruction()" count="3"/>
<!-- test positioning -->
<document url="xml/fibo.xml">
<document url="fibo.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="/*/fibonacci[position() &lt; 10]" count="9"/>
<valueOf select="sum(//fibonacci)">196417</valueOf>
<!-- test Axes -->
<document url="xml/web.xml">
<document url="web.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="descendant-or-self::*" count="19"/>
<test select="descendant::*" count="19"/>
<document url="xml/much_ado.xml">
<document url="much_ado.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="/descendant::ACT" count="5"/>
<test select="descendant::ACT" count="5"/>
<!-- test axis node ordering -->
<document url="xml/web.xml">
<document url="web.xml">
<context select="/">
<!-- Reported as Jira issue JAXEN-24 -->
<test select="//servlet-mapping/preceding::*[1][name()='description']" count="1"/>
<!-- test document function -->
<document url="xml/text.xml">
<document url="text.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="document('xml/web.xml')" count="1">
<valueOf select="/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name">snoop</valueOf>
<valueOf select="/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name/text()">snoop</valueOf>
<!-- 2107-11
<test select="document('data/web.xml')" count="1">
<valueOf select="/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name">snoop</valueOf>
<valueOf select="/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name/text()">snoop</valueOf>
<valueOf select="document('xml/web.xml')/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name">snoop</valueOf>
<valueOf select="document('data/web.xml')/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name">snoop</valueOf>
<!-- Test to check if the context changes when an extension function is used.
First test is an example, second is the actual test.
<context select="/foo/bar/cheese[1]">
<valueOf select="concat(./@id,'foo',@id)">3foo3</valueOf>
<valueOf select="concat(./@id,document('xml/web.xml')/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name,./@id)">3snoop3</valueOf>
<valueOf select="concat(./@id,document('data/web.xml')/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name,./@id)">3snoop3</valueOf>
<document url="xml/message.xml">
<document url="message.xml">
<context select="/">
<valueOf select="/message/body/data/items/item[name/text()='parentinfo']/value">Pruefgebiete</valueOf>
<valueOf select="document('xml/message.xml')/message/body/data/items/item[name/text()='parentinfo']/value">Pruefgebiete</valueOf>
<valueOf select="document('data/message.xml')/message/body/data/items/item[name/text()='parentinfo']/value">Pruefgebiete</valueOf>
<document url="xml/simple.xml">
<document url="simple.xml">
<!-- test behaviour of AbsoluteLocationPath -->
<context select="/root/a">
<!-- test cases for String extension functions -->
<document url="xml/web.xml">
<document url="web.xml">
<context select="/web-app/servlet[1]">
<valueOf select="upper-case( servlet-class )">SNOOPSERVLET</valueOf>
<valueOf select="lower-case( servlet-class )">snoopservlet</valueOf>
<!-- test cases for the lang() function -->
<document url="xml/lang.xml">
<document url="lang.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="/e1/e2[lang('hr')]" count="0"/>
<test select="/e1/e2/e3[lang('en')]" count="1"/>
<!-- test namespace -->
<document url="xml/namespaces.xml">
<document url="namespaces.xml">
<context select="/"
<test select="/*" count="1"/>
<test select="/foo:a" count="1"/>
<test select="/foo:a/b" count="1"/>
<document url="xml/defaultNamespace.xml">
<document url="defaultNamespace.xml">
<context select="/">
<!-- NOTE: /a/b/c selects elements in no namespace only! -->
<test select="/a/b/c" count="0"/>
<test select="/x:a/x:b/x:c" count="0" exception="true"/>
<context select="/"
<context select="/" xmlns:dummy="http://dummyNamespace/">
<test select="/dummy:a/dummy:b/dummy:c" count="1"/>
<document url="xml/text.xml">
<document url="text.xml">
<context select="/">
<test select="/foo/bar/text()" count="3"/>
<valueOf select="normalize-space(/foo/bar/text())">baz</valueOf>
<document url="xml/testNamespaces.xml">
<document url="testNamespaces.xml">
<context select="/">
<!-- the root is not an element, so no namespaces -->
<test select="namespace::*" count="0" debug="off"/>
<test select="/namespace::*" count="0" debug="off"/>
<!-- 2017-11
<test select="/Template/Application1/namespace::*" count="3" debug="off"/>
<test select="/Template/Application2/namespace::*" count="3" debug="off"/>
<test select="//namespace::*" count="25" debug="off"/>
<document url="xml/testNamespaces.xml">
<!-- 2017-11
<document url="testNamespaces.xml">
<context select="/">
<!-- namespace nodes have their element as their parent -->
namespace nodes have their element as their parent
<test select="/Template/namespace::xml/parent::Template" count="1"/>
<!-- namespace nodes can also be used as context nodes -->
namespace nodes can also be used as context nodes
<context select="/Template/namespace::xml">
<test select="parent::Template" count="1"/>
# frozen_string_literal: false
# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative 'rexml_test_utils'
require "rexml/document"
include REXMLTestUtils
include REXML
def test_axis ; test("axis") ; end
def test_basic ; test("basic") ; end
def test_basicupdate ; test("basicupdate") ; end
def test_contents ; test("contents") ; end
def initialize(name)
@fname = nil
@test_doc =, "data/test/tests.xml")) do |file|
# 3 commented out tests do not have a matching /tests/document node in tests.xml
def test_axis ; test("axis") ; end
# def test_basic ; test("basic") ; end
# def test_basicupdate ; test("basicupdate") ; end
def test_contents ; test("contents") ; end
def test_defaultNamespace ; test("defaultNamespace") ; end
def test_fibo ; test("fibo") ; end
def test_id ; test("id") ; end
def test_jaxen24 ; test("jaxen24") ; end
def test_lang ; test("lang") ; end
def test_message ; test("message") ; end
def test_moreover ; test("moreover") ; end
def test_much_ado ; test("much_ado") ; end
def test_namespaces ; test("namespaces") ; end
def test_nitf ; test("nitf") ; end
def test_numbers ; test("numbers") ; end
def test_pi ; test("pi") ; end
def test_pi2 ; test("pi2") ; end
def test_simple ; test("simple") ; end
def test_testNamespaces ; test("testNamespaces") ; end
def test_text ; test("text") ; end
def test_underscore ; test("underscore") ; end
def test_web ; test("web") ; end
def test_web2 ; test("web2") ; end
def test_fibo ; test("fibo") ; end
def test_id ; test("id") ; end
def test_jaxen24 ; test("jaxen24") ; end
def test_lang ; test("lang") ; end
def test_message ; test("message") ; end
def test_moreover ; test("moreover") ; end
def test_much_ado ; test("much_ado") ; end
def test_namespaces ; test("namespaces") ; end
def test_nitf ; test("nitf") ; end
def test_numbers ; test("numbers") ; end
def test_pi ; test("pi") ; end
def test_pi2 ; test("pi2") ; end
def test_simple ; test("simple") ; end
def test_testNamespaces ; test("testNamespaces") ; end
def test_text ; test("text") ; end
def test_underscore ; test("underscore") ; end
def test_web ; test("web") ; end
# def test_web2 ; test("web2") ; end
def test( fname )
# Dir.entries( xml_dir ).each { |fname|
# if fname =~ /\.xml$/
doc =".xml")) do |file|
XPath.each( doc, "/tests/document" ) {|e| handleDocument(e)}
# end
# }
@fname = fname
testDoc ="#{fname}.xml")) { |file| }
XPath.each( @test_doc, "/tests/document[@url='#{fname}.xml']" ) {|e| handleDocument(e, testDoc) }
# processes a tests/document node
def handleDocument(docElement, testDoc)
XPath.each( docElement, "context") { |e| handleContext(testDoc, e) }
# processes a tests/document/context node
def handleContext( testDoc, ctxElement)
testCtx = XPath.match( testDoc, ctxElement.attributes["select"] )[0]
namespaces = {}
namespaces = ctxElement.namespaces
if testCtx.class == Element
testCtx.prefixes.each { |pre| handleNamespace( testCtx, pre, namespaces ) }
variables = {}
XPath.each( ctxElement, "@*[namespace-uri() = '']") { |attrib| handleVariable(testCtx, variables, attrib) }
XPath.each( ctxElement, "valueOf") { |e| handleValueOf(testCtx, variables, namespaces, e) }
XPath.each( ctxElement, "test[not(@exception) or (@exception != 'true') ]") { |e| handleNominalTest(testCtx,variables, namespaces, e) }
XPath.each( ctxElement, "test[@exception = 'true']") { |e| handleExceptionalTest(testCtx,variables, namespaces, e) }
XPath.each( ctxElement, "@*[namespace-uri() = '']") { |attrib|
handleVariable(testCtx, variables, attrib) }
XPath.each( ctxElement, "valueOf") { |e|
handleValueOf(testCtx, variables, namespaces, e) }
XPath.each( ctxElement, "test[not(@exception) or (@exception != 'true') ]") { |e|
handleNominalTest(testCtx,variables, namespaces, e) }
XPath.each( ctxElement, "test[@exception = 'true']") { |e|
handleExceptionalTest(testCtx, variables, namespaces, e ) }
# processes a tests/document/context/valueOf or tests/document/context/test/valueOf node
def handleValueOf(ctx,variables, namespaces, valueOfElement)
expected = valueOfElement.text
got = XPath.match( ctx, valueOfElement.attributes["select"], namespaces, variables )[0]
assert_true( (got.nil? && expected.nil?) || !got.nil? )
# 2017-11 Below change just for absolute path, may not be needed
xpath_select = valueOfElement.attributes["select"]
xpath_select.sub!(/document\('data\//, "document('#{File.join(__dir__, 'data')}/")
match = XPath.match( ctx, xpath_select, namespaces, variables )
got = match.is_a?(Array) ? match[0] : match
assert( (got.nil? && expected.nil?) || !got.nil? )
case got.class
when Element
assert_equal( got.class, Element )
when Integer
assert_equal( exected.to_f, got )
when String
# normalize values for comparison
got = "" if got == nil or got == ""
expected = "" if expected == nil or expected == ""
assert_equal( expected, got )
assert_fail( "Wassup?" )
assert_equal( expected || "", got || "")
# else
# refute( true, got.class.to_s ) unless String === got
# processes a tests/document/context/test node ( where @exception is false or doesn't exist )
def handleNominalTest(ctx, variables, namespaces, testElement)
expected = testElement.attributes["count"]
got = XPath.match( ctx, testElement.attributes["select"], namespaces, variables )
xpath = testElement.attributes["select"]
got = XPath.match( ctx, xpath, namespaces, variables )
# might be a test with no count attribute, but nested valueOf elements
assert( expected == got.size.to_s ) if !expected.nil?
msg = "Count XPath #{xpath} #{@fname}.xml"
assert_equal(expected, got.size.to_s, msg ) if !expected.nil?
XPath.each( testElement, "valueOf") { |e|
handleValueOf(got, variables, namespaces, e)
# processes a tests/document/context/test node ( where @exception is true )
def handleExceptionalTest(ctx, variables, namespaces, testElement)
assert_raise( Exception ) {
XPath.match( ctx, testElement.attributes["select"], namespaces, variables )
# processes a tests/document node
def handleDocument(docElement)
puts "- Processing document: #{docElement.attributes['url']}"
testFile = docElement.attributes["url"] )
testDoc = testFile
XPath.each( docElement, "context") { |e| handleContext(testDoc, e) }
select = testElement.attributes["select"]
match = XPath.match( ctx, select, namespaces, variables )
assert_raise( Exception, select ) { match }
# processes a variable definition in a namespace like <test var:foo="bar">
def handleVariable( ctx, variables, attrib )
puts "--- Found attribute: #{}"
# STDERR.puts "--- Found attribute: #{}"
variables[] = attrib.value
# processes a namespace definition like <test xmlns:foo="fiz:bang:bam">
def handleNamespace( ctx, prefix, namespaces )
puts "--- Found namespace: #{prefix}"
# STDERR.puts "--- Found namespace: #{prefix}"
namespaces[prefix] = ctx.namespaces[prefix]
require 'rexml/streamlistener'
module REXMLTests
class BaseTester < Test::Unit::TestCase
class REXMLTester < Test::Unit::TestCase
include REXMLTestUtils
def setup
@listener =
def test_character_reference_2
t6 = %Q{<string>&#xd;</string>}
assert_equal( t6.strip, )
def test_empty
return unless defined? @listener
# Empty.
@text << text
class REXMLTester < BaseTester
def setup
@listener =
def test_character_reference_2
t6 = %Q{<string>&#xd;</string>}
assert_equal( t6.strip, )