Feature #10477
openImplicit interfaces
Hello guys,
I would to suggest us to discuss about implementing implicit interfaces on Ruby like Go.
Go does not have classes. However, you can define methods on struct types. The method receiver appears in its own argument list between the func keyword and the method name.
This means you can specify a implicit interface where the implementation packages and packages that define the interfaces neither depends on the other.
That keeps the concept of duck typing but adds a extra layer of interface security to the language instead of relying on NoMethodError
Go usage example:
type Vertex struct {
X, Y float64
func (v *Vertex) Abs() float64 {
return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)
In Ruby it could something like that:
interface Cache
def get(key, default = nil)
def set(key, value, ttl = nil)
def delete(key)
class App
def initialize(cache_store Cache)
@cache_store = cache_store
delegate :get, :set, :delete, :to => :@cache_store
In this case a NoMethodError
would never occur on App#get
, App#set
and App#delete
If you think about service objects, you may have things like that:
class Buy
def self.finish(object)
fine: FineCalculator.calculate(object.value, Date.current)
interest: InterestCalculator.calculate(object.value, Date.current)
expedient: ExpedientCalculator.calculate(object.value, Date.current)
BuyMailer.deliver(to: object.buyer, object: object)
In a case of a failure on calling object.buyer
, the object.store
has already happened and may affect the system in a bad way, which may not be acceptable.
Using a implicit interface it would never happen:
interface Purchasable
def store(attrs)
def value
def buyer
class Buy
def self.finish(object Purchasable)
fine: FineCalculator.calculate(object.value, Date.current)
interest: InterestCalculator.calculate(object.value, Date.current)
expedient: ExpedientCalculator.calculate(object.value, Date.current)
BuyMailer.deliver(to: object.buyer, object: object)
I think it's a great idea of Go that would be of benefit in Ruby.
Probably there is better usage cases, sorry about that, but the concept is to have implicit interfaces on libraries that we publish for everyone (gems).
Think about complex interfaces like capybara drivers, active support cache drivers and etc.
How it sounds?