Feature #12966
closednet/ftp to include fxp support?
can we implement support for fxp ? its an extension of the ftp protocol , looks like a legit thing to have no?
Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) about 8 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
sole box wrote:
can we implement support for fxp ? its an extension of the ftp protocol , looks like a legit thing to have no?
Probably yes. Why don't you (or somebody else) go ahead and implement it, maybe as a gem, and then we can have a look at it?
BTW, please never assign any item to "ruby-core". It will only clutter everybody's list of assigned items, without anybody feeling responsible in particular.
Updated by solebox (sole box) about 8 years ago
Martin Dürst wrote:
sole box wrote:
can we implement support for fxp ? its an extension of the ftp protocol , looks like a legit thing to have no?
Probably yes. Why don't you (or somebody else) go ahead and implement it, maybe as a gem, and then we can have a look at it?
BTW, please never assign any item to "ruby-core". It will only clutter everybody's list of assigned items, without anybody feeling responsible in particular.
ok martin,
ill implement it gladly , btw , who do i assign it to then?
Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) about 8 years ago
sole box wrote:
Martin Dürst wrote:
BTW, please never assign any item to "ruby-core". It will only clutter everybody's list of assigned items, without anybody feeling responsible in particular.
ok martin,
ill implement it gladly
btw , who do i assign it to then?
See https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby/wiki/MaintainersStdlib.
Updated by shugo (Shugo Maeda) about 8 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
- Assignee set to shugo (Shugo Maeda)
sole box wrote:
can we implement support for fxp ? its an extension of the ftp protocol , looks like a legit thing to have no?
Do you have a specific interface in mind?
I came up with the following interface, but there may be a better interface or name.
class Net::FTP
# PoC code without error check
def self.exchange_file(dst_ftp, dst_file, src_ftp, src_file)
host, port = dst_ftp.send(:makepasv)
src_ftp.send(:sendport, host, port)
th = Thread.start {
dst_ftp.sendcmd("STOR #{dst_file}")
src_ftp.sendcmd("RETR #{src_file}")
Net::FTP.open(dst_host, username: dst_user, password: dst_pass) do |dst_ftp|
Net::FTP.open(src_host, username: src_user, password: src_pass) do |src_ftp|
Net::FTP.exchange_file(dst_ftp, dst_file, src_ftp, src_file)
It's better to support SSCN (Net::FTP#sscn), but I don't know the relationship
between SSCN and RFC 4217.
Is there any written specification of SSCN?
Updated by shugo (Shugo Maeda) about 8 years ago
Shugo Maeda wrote:
class Net::FTP # PoC code without error check def self.exchange_file(dst_ftp, dst_file, src_ftp, src_file)
It might be better to swap dst_*
and src_*
Updated by shugo (Shugo Maeda) almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Rejected
net/ftp is now a bundled gem, so I close this issue.