Feature #16557
openDeduplicate Regexp literals
Pull Request: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/2859
Real world application contain many duplicated Regexp literals.
From a rails/console in Redmine:
>> ObjectSpace.each_object(Regexp).count
=> 6828
>> ObjectSpace.each_object(Regexp).uniq.count
=> 4162
>> ObjectSpace.each_object(Regexp).to_a.map { |r| ObjectSpace.memsize_of(r) }.sum
=> 4611957 # 4.4 MB total
>> ObjectSpace.each_object(Regexp).to_a.map { |r| ObjectSpace.memsize_of(r) }.sum - ObjectSpace.each_object(Regexp).to_a.uniq.map { |r| ObjectSpace.memsize_of(r) }.sum
=> 1490601 # 1.42 MB could be saved
Here's the to 10 most duplicated regexps in Redmine:
147: /"/
107: /\s+/
103: //
89: /\n/
83: /'/
76: /\s+/m
37: /\d+/
35: /\[/
33: /./
33: /\\./
Any empty Rails application will have a similar amount of regexps.
The feature¶
Since https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16377 made literal regexps frozen, it is possible to deduplicate literal regexps without changing any semantic and save a decent amount of resident memory.
The patch¶
I tried implementing this feature in a way very similar to the frozen_strings
table, it's functional but I'm having trouble with a segfault on Linux: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/2859
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 5 years ago
This is quite interesting, and would also avoid compiling these duplicated Regexp again, which likely saves quite a bit of startup time.
Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) about 5 years ago
Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote:
would also avoid compiling these duplicated Regexp again.
In theory yes, however my current patch doesn't go that far for simplicity's sake. However that would indeed be a nice followup or improvement.
Updated by byroot (Jean Boussier) about 5 years ago
From the developers meeting notes:
Preliminary discussion:
mame: Looks fine, if CI failure is fixed
ko1: The patch creates a regexp object, and then find already-existing instance. It is slightly suboptimal
ko1: Regexp is immutable in onigmo? If so, the optimization can be applied not only to literals but also to all regexp instances.
ko1: Is onigmo regex data structure immutable? If so, we can dedup all Regexp objects under lower layer (not only literals but also any regexp)
naruse: Yep. The key should be source string, encoding, and regexp options.
ko1: A simple reference count mechanism would be good enough
ko1: Regexp objects can be ignored
ko1: But there is no resource to develop… At least I cannot make effort for that
ko1: And his patch has some problems (mame: I failed to log)
akr: How about drop-in replacement of regcomp/regexec/regfree? (regcomp lookup a cache and count up the reference count. regfree count down the reference count.)
ko1: I will propose the refernce count mechanism and tell the situation (I have no time to review and maintain the patch)
My opinion on this:
ko1: The patch creates a regexp object, and then find already-existing instance. It is slightly suboptimal
Yes, my plan was to improve that a bit later, I just see no point tackling this before I fix the CI failures.
is immutable in onigmo? If so, the optimization can be applied not only to literals but also to all regexp instances.
I don't have hard data, so I might be wrong, but:
- I highly doubt there's much duplication among dynamic regexps.
- If the registry is at this layer, it means it need to keep a copy of the
string. So it would increase each Regexp memory footprint. - So I'm really not convinced it would actually be a win.
if CI failure is fixed
I'm circling around the issue, I have no idea if I'll be able to figure it out myself, but I've added some debug info on the PR, it might ring someone's bell.