Feature #18162
openShorthand method Proc#isolate to create isolated proc objects
Currently, isolated proc objects can be created only via Ractor.make_shareable() method.
But isolated proc objects are useful for other use-cases too. So I want to propose a new method Proc#isolate to make it isolated.
For example, it's useful with async I/O patterns like this:
x = 1
y = 2
chk1 = ->(async_io){ async_io.write JSON.dump({x:, y:}) }.isolate
x = processing_may_fail(x)
y = processing_may_fail(y)
chk2 = ->(async_io){ async_io.write JSON.dump({x:, y:}) }.isolate
# ...
In the use-case above, async_make_checkpoint is to create a checkpoint in an async manner to record the (lexical) "current" value of variables. If we can do the thing like above, we'll be able to record how values of x/y are changed (or not changed).
In my opinion, we'll have many similar use-cases because Ruby 3.x has the fiber scheduler.
And of course, this should be also useful to define shareable methods using Module#define_method.
x = 1
define_method(:get_x, &->(){ x }.isolate)
# is much simpler than below
x = 1
getter_x = Ractor.make_shareable(->(){ x })
define_method(:get_x, &getter_x)
Updated by tagomoris (Satoshi Tagomori) over 3 years ago
The related ticket is here about Proc#isolated? https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18137
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 2 months ago
- Related to Feature #21126: Drop default_proc when Hash#freeze is called for better Ractor support added