Feature #18597
openStrings need a named method like `dup` that doesn't duplicate if receiver is mutable
This is related to #16295, but focuses only on the .+@
Currently we can use .dup
in a method chain when we need to mutate a String.
However there are cases where the code's context expects the String to be mutated. In cases like this, .dup
always works, but we don't want to duplicate a String that is already mutable.
Since .+@
looks more like an operator, it can be unintuitive in a method chain, so this is asking for a new named method that can be used in its place, instead of always .dup
For example:
def add_result_text(buffer, new_result)
text = "#{new_result.count} #{new_result.input} #{do_fancy_calc(new_result)}\n"
buffer.dup_if_immutable << text
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ new method?
buffer = "" # ...maybe immutable
get_lots_of_results.each do |result|
buffer = add_result_text(buffer, result) # In case it was dup'ed
Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 3 years ago
Please give a concrete example of code that would benefit from such a method.
Updated by danh337 (Dan H) about 3 years ago
Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) wrote in #note-1:
Please give a concrete example of code that would benefit from such a method.
Description is updated.
Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 3 years ago
As I'm sure you realize, after the loop the buffer would still be empty; text is concatenated to a dup'ed buffer that is then thrown away. What's the point of that? You'd need to use buffer = add_result_text(buffer, result)
in the loop, but at that point it would be simpler to just have a mutable buffer to start with: buffer = +""
. And chaining doesn't even pose a precedence problem; if you use +buffer << text
it's perfectly readable. So I find this example very unconvincing.
Updated by danh337 (Dan H) about 3 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Description updated again. I missed the subtlety in the case that the buffer had to be dup'ed.
There are many more examples in #16295. The line in question could be something like
Or lots of other permutations of chained methods before or after the .dup_if_immutable
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 3 years ago
- Related to Feature #16295: Chainable aliases for String#-@ and String#+@ added
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 3 years ago
semantics are only safe to use if you know you "own" the receiver and in other words it's OK to mutate it.
But in that case it's also useless because if you "own" the receiver you already know it's mutable.
For example think about:
NAME = "Benoit"
# ...
str = add_result_text(NAME, new_result)
This is a bug (it mutates NAME
which should never be mutated), and hence why dup
is more appropriate.
If you do want a buffer argument, then the method should simply mutate it directly, i.e., buffer << text
, no need for +@
And that's why I think dup_if_immutable
is basically useless as it's rarely if ever safe to use except when it's on a literal string, and then str = +"foo"; str.mutate_it_some_way!
already works well enough.
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 3 years ago
A real-world example would be interesting. But I guess there isn't a compelling one.
Updated by danh337 (Dan H) about 3 years ago
Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote in #note-8:
A real-world example would be interesting. But I guess there isn't a compelling one.
There are good examples in the other ticket where .+@
is used but is clunky, so the method name is desirable. I am adding to that this case, where I need optimal code, that doesn't raise exception or duplicate a String as the only two options.
I'm not sure what you mean by "real-world" example using a feature that doesn't yet exist. This is from #16295.
This already has made some of my production code ugly, when using tap. I have to say:
(+some_object.send(a_method)).tap { |value| value << "blah" }
some_object.send(a_method).+@.tap { |value| value << "blah" }
Neither of these looks like good Ruby. I'd rather say some_object.send(a_method).thaw.tap { |value| value << "blah" }
If I'm on a team of devs, and I have other people calling my code, and I want it to be as optimized as possible, and I don't want to raise exception if I don't absolutely have to, then it's not basically useless to have a clearly named method that ensures at most 1 duplication.
I don't believe .+@
is useless. I mean, it's useless until you need it. But it's not Ruby-ish to be required to use that in a method chain.
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 3 years ago
I meant code in a gem or in some open-source repository, so we can see the context and the need.
That example seems a clear case for String interpolation:
and I don't want to raise exception if I don't absolutely have to
That is I believe an anti-pattern.
Concretely, a method should either take a String and will never mutate it, or it needs a mutable String/a buffer (and will or can mutate it).
What I'm saying is "might or might not mutate the argument (depending on frozen state)" is a bad design.
A method should be clear about what it expects, it's very hard to work with a method which might mutate or not what you give it.
Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) about 3 years ago
and I want it to be as optimized as possible
Also if that's the goal I would also avoid .tap
and just use a local variable, and then +@
works if that's really the semantics you want:
buffer = +some_object.send(a_method)
buffer << "blah"
But the string interpolation seems more readable and is likely as efficient.
Updated by danh337 (Dan H) about 3 years ago
Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote in #note-10:
I meant code in a gem or in some open-source repository, so we can see the context and the need.
My team has needed this in its own code. I have given a pattern for it. I don't have time to search for examples from all gems or repos in the world.
That example seems a clear case for String interpolation:
That is not the same code. You are always making a new String. I thought .+@
only dups if the receiver is frozen. The a_method
result could be mutable.
and I don't want to raise exception if I don't absolutely have to
That is I believe an anti-pattern.
Concretely, a method should either take a String and will never mutate it, or it needs a mutable String/a buffer (and will or can mutate it).
What I'm saying is "might or might not mutate the argument (depending on frozen state)" is a bad design.
A method should be clear about what it expects, it's very hard to work with a method which might mutate or not what you give it.
Thanks for sharing your opinions.
I know your job here is to weed out frivolous requests, but this experience makes me sad. Wasting time.
My team will continue to use the awkward .+@
where we need it, or I will add a name for it in our own extensions lib.
Updated by danh337 (Dan H) about 3 years ago
Fixed in our extensions lib.
class Object
# A chainable name mainly for `String#+@`.
def thaw
frozen? ? dup : self
Updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) about 3 years ago
(+some_object.send(a_method)).tap { |value| value << "blah" }
some_object.send(a_method).+@.tap { |value| value << "blah" }
What is "some_object"? What is "a_method"? What is "blah"? None of these give any indication of what this code is trying to achieve, what is the context. The only thing this shows is the syntax. But we already know what syntax is being asked. The example has been simplified/abstracted to a point where it doesn't say anything. I haven't yet seen a concrete, compelling example either in this thread or the other one. I even tried searching in gems for code like (+var
but found nothing.
If I look at the example in the description, it seems obvious that if you're going to append text to a buffer, it's better to first make sure the buffer is writeable like:
buffer = +buffer
get_lots_of_results.each do |result|
add_result_text(buffer, result)
String#+@ was meant to be used with string literals in combination with frozen_string_literal: true
, and I don't quite see what you're trying to (ab)use it for.
Updated by danh337 (Dan H) about 3 years ago
At one time there were other folks who cared about this, in #16295, but it feels like I'm the only one now. And it feels like I cannot convince anyone here with any amount of rationale. And it feels like more code examples won't be enough.
If there is already a named method that does what String#+@
does I am happy to use it. Use or abuse is all relative.
Updated by danh337 (Dan H) about 3 years ago
This is my last attempt to show why this named method is needed. The driver.rb
file shows the patterns that apply to all sorts of code.
Updated by danh337 (Dan H) about 3 years ago
Updated timing check code to be more fair.
Updated by rubyFeedback (robert heiler) about 2 years ago
And it feels like I cannot convince anyone here with any amount of rationale
Ultimately you only have to convince matz, so you could ignore what others write.
But one reason why there was a reference to real-needs above is that the ruby
core/dev team said that they focus on real needs (although they may evaluate
what is real and what is not ultimately, as well as the cost of addition of
My personal opinion is that, usage aside, the .dup_if_immutable feels very clunky.
The simplest variant is of course the oldschool ruby:
string_object << "More content."
I use this pattern, which is a bit verbose:
string_object = string_object.dup if string_object.frozen?
Then there is that +@ variant. I avoid it, but I guess one
reason why it is used is because it is quite short.
From a user's perspective, the << usage in oldschool ruby
before frozen string is the most convenient, but the primary
reason why it was changed was due to speed/efficiency. And
other languages such as python have immutable strings too so
it's a real concern.
You could always propose that it is discussed by the ruby core
devs in a future meeting. Then you can get matz' opinion too if
there is time for the discussion.
Updated by danh337 (Dan H) about 2 years ago
rubyFeedback (robert heiler) wrote in #note-18:
And it feels like I cannot convince anyone here with any amount of rationale
Ultimately you only have to convince matz, so you could ignore what others write.
But one reason why there was a reference to real-needs above is that the ruby
core/dev team said that they focus on real needs (although they may evaluate
what is real and what is not ultimately, as well as the cost of addition of
methods).My personal opinion is that, usage aside, the .dup_if_immutable feels very clunky.
This is a great response, cheers and thanks for your time. Honestly I never thought this was a huge thing, and in fact we already fixed it with the "thaw" method I mentioned in comment #13 above.
It was an issue that came up for me, integrating with old code, in a couple different ways, but the team considers it solved now.
I think I confused the issue early on, not clearly describing the issue for Strings first, then generalizing to Object.
As usual the Ruby community has some cool and helpful folks, thanks again for responding here.