Bug #18811
closedPTY I/O not working on AIX 7.x
The attached test script simply executes a command under a PTY and captures the output and exit code.
This works on Linux (all supported versions of Redhat, Debian, Ubuntu, and SuSE) as well as Solaris 11.4 on sparc and x86.
But on AIX 7.1 - 7.3, it doesn't. This was tested with a ruby 3.1.2 that I built, but it exhibits the same behavior on other ruby versions as well, like 2.7.5 from IBM's freeware repo.
The core of the attached program is:
PTY.spawn($command) do |r, w, pid|
r.each do |line|
puts "Got line \"#{line.chomp}\""
rescue Errno::EIO
# ignore
rescue => e
$stderr.puts "Read error: #{e}"
Process.wait pid
$exit_status = $?.exitstatus
rescue => e
$stderr.puts "PTY.spawn error: #{e}"
This should read the output from echo but doesn't:
# ./ptytest.rb 'echo b'
Exit status 0
It does execute the command, but it seems it can't read the output:
# ./ptytest.rb 'exit 3'
Exit status 3
# cat /tmp/e.txt
cat: 0652-050 Cannot open /tmp/e.txt.
# ./ptytest.rb 'echo b > /tmp/e.txt'
Exit status 0
# cat /tmp/e.txt
However, the unit tests for PTY work, so how it this possible? It turns out that all the unit tests run ruby (tinyruby really), and this works:
# ./ptytest.rb 'ruby -e "puts \"b\""'
Got line "b"
Exit status 0
as well as this:
# ./ptytest.rb 'ruby -e "system \"echo b\""'
Got line "b"
Exit status 0
So I'm at a loss here. How come it works to use "ruby" but no other commands? Is there something wrong with the script? If so, why does it work on all other platforms?