



Feature #19179


Support parsing SCM_CRED(ENTIALS) messages from ancillary messages

Added by kjtsanaktsidis (KJ Tsanaktsidis) over 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:



Linux and FreeBSD support processes at either end of a unix socket identifying themselves to the other party by passing an ancillary message of type SCM_CREDENTIALS (Linux) or SCM_CREDS (FreeBSD). The socket library contains code to parse these ancillary messages, but the only way this is exposed into Ruby code is by the Socket::AncillaryData#inspect method - e.g.

# On Linux
irb(main):002:0> s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair
=> [#<UNIXSocket:fd 5>, #<UNIXSocket:fd 6>]
irb(main):004:0> s2.setsockopt Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_PASSCRED, 1
=> 0
# struct ucred on Linux is (32-bit signed) pid_t, followed by (32-bit unsigned) uid_t, followed by
# (32-bit unsigned) gid_t
irb(main):008:0> ancdata = [, Process.uid, Process.gid].pack("lLL")
=> "\x1ET\x05\x00\xE8\x03\x00\x00\xE8\x03\x00\x00"
# Socket::AncillaryData knows how to unmarshal the data into struct ucred
irb(main):010:0> ancmsg =, Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SCM_CRE
DENTIALS, ancdata)
=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: UNIX SOCKET CREDENTIALS pid=349214 uid=1000 gid=1000 (ucred)>
irb(main):011:0> s1.sendmsg "hi", 0, nil, ancmsg
=> 2
# ancillary message can be passed through
irb(main):012:0> _, _, _, recvanc = s2.recvmsg; recvanc
=> #<Socket::AncillaryData: UNIX SOCKET CREDENTIALS pid=349214 uid=1000 gid=1000 (ucred)>

On Linux, at least, a suitably privileged process can send any value through for the pid, uid, or gid, but the kernel will reject attempts by unprivileged processes to forge credentials in this way. So SCM_CREDENTIALS messages can be useful for certain systems programming tasks.

A somewhat wider array of operating systems support querying the identity of the other side of a socket using a socket option, variously SO_PEERCRED (Linux, OpenBSD) or LOCAL_PEERCRED (FreeBSD, MacOS). Again, the socket library is able to unmarshal the socket data into the correct structure on these various systems, but it's only exposed to Ruby code via #inspect - e.g.

irb(main):002:0> s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair
=> [#<UNIXSocket:fd 5>, #<UNIXSocket:fd 6>]
irb(main):014:0> s1.getsockopt Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_PEERCRED
=> #<Socket::Option: UNIX SOCKET PEERCRED pid=349214 euid=1000 egid=1000 (ucred)>

Ruby does however support e.g. BasicSocket#getpeereid, which could use SO_PEERCRED etc under the hood - so getting the uid/gid data is not totally impossible. I believe getting the pid is though.

irb(main):016:0> s1.getpeereid
=> [1000, 1000]

My proposal

I believe we should implement the following:

  • Socket::Credentials - this would be a struct which can contain all the various platform-specific pieces of credential info that can be transferred over a socket, such as uid, gid, pid, euid, egid, and group list.
  • Socket::AncillaryData#credentials - this would parse an SCM_CREDS or SCM_CREDENTIALS ancillary data message into the appropriate platform-specific struct, and return a Socket::Credentials instance containing that data. This would be analogous to Socket::AncillaryData#int; a method for interpreting the ancillary data in a certain form.
  • Socket::Option#credentials - This would parse a SO_PEERCRED or LOCAL_PEERCRED socket option response into the appropriate platform-specific struct, and return a Socket::Credentials instance containing that data. Again, this would be analogous to Socket::Option#int.

The existing struct ucred/struct xucred/struct sockpeercred/struct cmsgcred parsing code (used only for #inspect output) would be moved into Socket::Credentials, and Socket::AncillaryData#inspect/Socket::Option#inspect would be implemented in terms of Socket::Credentials.

This would nicely wrap a lot of parsing work that Ruby is already doing, into an API which allows Ruby code to take advantage of it.


My motivation for designing this feature came about whilst I was experimenting with some ideas for Ruby profilers. I wanted to allow a CLI tool to ask a Ruby process to start profiling itself by sending a message on a unix socket. Alongside the message, it would send a file descriptor which was the result of calling perf_event_open(2) in the CLI tool. In order to call perf_event_open(2), the CLI tool would need to be privileged. I also wanted the Ruby process to authenticate the request and make sure it came from the same UID that it was running as. Calling BasicSocket#getpeereuid would reveal the remote process to be running as UID 0, (or perhaps even some other UID, with sufficient ambient capabilities to call perf_event_open). Instead, I decided to make the CLI tool send a SCM_CREDENTIALS message containing the uid of the process to be profiled; that way, the kernel does all the policy checking on whether or not this is actually allowed, and the Ruby process receiving the message just needs to check if uid == Process.getuid.

I think, on Linux at least, that this feature will be useful for any kind of communication/authentication scheme between privileged & unprivileged processes over unix sockets.

My implementation

I have an implementation of roughly this in this pull request:


Updated by kjtsanaktsidis (KJ Tsanaktsidis) about 2 years ago

Wondering if someone could please have a look? @akr (Akira Tanaka) someone suggested you would be the right person? 🙏

Updated by akr (Akira Tanaka) about 2 years ago

I think this is a good direction.

However, class and method names should be reviewed by matz.

I doubt that the current proposal has names good enough.
For example, "as_ancillary_data" is not in the convention of Ruby.
Ruby uses method names "to_*" for conversion methods.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 2 years ago

Your PR has some Socket::Credentials class methods which are not in your proposal.
Why are from_ methods needed as Ruby level methods?

Updated by kjtsanaktsidis (KJ Tsanaktsidis) about 2 years ago

It's true, the API currently exposed in that PR is a bit rough and un-ruby-like. Here's my idea for how the API should actually look:

  • Expose a new struct Socket::Credentials.
    • It has the following fields: pid, uid, gid, euid, egid, and groups.
    • My PR currently has an extra field source, the name of the struct the credentials came from originally. This is done so that it can be printed in the #inspect output of Socket::AncillaryData and Socket::Option, so that the current output remains the same. I would remove source from the struct definition and instead keep it in a hidden ivar inaccessible from Ruby - it's not a field that Ruby code needs to know anything about.
    • It would have the following methods:
      • ::new & #initialize - normal struct initialization routines (although I would add keyword_init: true to the struct definition, it's not currently in the PR).
      • ::for_current_process - initializes a new Socket::Credentials structure with values obtained from etc. This is currently called ::for_process in my PR, but to me that name kind of implies you could pass a PID and get values for a different process.
      • #inspect - prints similar output to what Socket::AncillaryData and Socket::Option do today.
      • #to_ancillary_data - Constructs a Socket::AncillaryData of type SCM_CREDENTIALS (or SCM_CREDS) based on these credential
  • Add some new methods to existing objects:
    • Socket::AncillaryData#credentials and Socket::Option#credentials. These would return a new Socket::Credentials struct containing the data from the ancdata/option. They would raise ArgumentError (or perhaps TypeError is more appropriate?) if the ancillary data or socket option is not of the correct type.

I would get rid of the Socket::Credentials::from_* class methods currently in my PR as well.

Does this sound like an improvement?


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