Feature #20709
closedImprove String#rindex performance on OSX
is much slower on OSX than on Linux hosts. This appears due to the lack of a memrchr
implementation on OSX. The fallback solution currently performs a memcmp
on each character in the search string looking for a substring match.
while (s) {
if (memcmp(s, t, slen) == 0) {
return s - sbeg;
if (s <= sbeg) break;
s = rb_enc_prev_char(sbeg, s, e, enc);
ruby-master | 10 char substring (long) near the end of a search string | osx
search string enc: UTF-8
search string size: 8010
user system total real
index (long substring) 0.000075 0.000000 0.000075 ( 0.000074)
rindex 0.000445 0.000000 0.000445 ( 0.000448)
Proposed improvement is available on this pull request:
This patch proposes using an implementation of memrchr
made for the interpreter on hosts that lack a native implementation. Below are benchmark results which demonstrate that this approach either improves or maintains performance of String#rindex
for all cases we could come up with.
static void*
rb_memrchr(const char *search_str, int chr, long search_len)
const char *ptr = search_str + search_len;
do {
if (*(--ptr) == chr) return (void *)ptr;
} while (ptr >= search_str);
return ((void *)0);
Special thanks to @jhawthorn (John Hawthorn) who provided some helpful feedback on this solution during development!
Each of the following were made with a variant of the following general purpose benchmark. Note that String#index
speed can be impacted by the size of the provided substring (Denoted as long/short substring in the results, assume long substring when none is specified).
require "benchmark"
substring = "98279827AA"
the_string = ""
800.times{ the_string.concat(('a'..'z').to_a.shuffle[0,8].join)}
200.times{ the_string.concat(('a'..'z').to_a.shuffle[0,8].join)}
puts the_string.encoding
puts the_string.size
Benchmark.bm do |x|
x.report(:index) { 100.times { the_string.index(substring) } }
x.report(:rindex) { 100.times { the_string.rindex(substring) } }
ruby-master | substring near the end | osx
user system total real
index 0.000075 0.000000 0.000075 ( 0.000074)
rindex 0.000445 0.000000 0.000445 ( 0.000448)
ruby-patched | substring near the end | osx
user system total real
index (short substring) 0.000400 0.000001 0.000401 ( 0.000399)
index (long substring) 0.000080 0.000000 0.000080 ( 0.000080)
rindex 0.000057 0.000001 0.000058 ( 0.000057)
ruby-master | substring in the middle | osx
user system total real
index 0.000031 0.000000 0.000031 ( 0.000030)
rindex 0.001086 0.000002 0.001088 ( 0.001088)
ruby-patched | substring in the middle | osx
user system total real
index 0.000075 0.000000 0.000075 ( 0.000075)
rindex 0.000130 0.000000 0.000130 ( 0.000133)
ruby-master | substring in the middle with a short substring | osx
user system total real
index (short substring) 0.000243 0.000004 0.000247 ( 0.000246)
rindex 0.001176 0.000005 0.001181 ( 0.001182)
ruby-patched | substring in the middle with a short substring | osx
user system total real
index (short substring) 0.000255 0.000005 0.000260 ( 0.000259)
rindex 0.000130 0.000000 0.000130 ( 0.000133)
ruby-master | substring at the end | osx
user system total real
index 0.000049 0.000001 0.000050 ( 0.000048)
rindex 0.000008 0.000001 0.000009 ( 0.000007)
ruby-patched | substring at the end | osx
user system total real
index 0.000075 0.000000 0.000075 ( 0.000074)
rindex 0.000006 0.000000 0.000006 ( 0.000006)
ruby-master | substring at the start | osx
user system total real
index 0.000008 0.000001 0.000009 ( 0.000007)
rindex 0.002444 0.000008 0.002452 ( 0.002452)
ruby-patched | substring at the start | osx
user system total real
index 0.000015 0.000000 0.000015 ( 0.000015)
rindex 0.000280 0.000001 0.000281 ( 0.000280)
Updated by zack.ref@gmail.com (Zack Deveau) 5 months ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by zack.ref@gmail.com (Zack Deveau) 5 months ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by jhawthorn (John Hawthorn) 4 months ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed