Bug #2223
closedlib/delegate: security model?
Take the following code:
require 'delegate'
cat = "cat"
dog = SimpleDelegator.new("dog")
lambda {$SAFE = 4; cat.upcase!}.call # ==> "CAT"
lambda {$SAFE = 4; dog.upcase!}.call # ==> Security Error
Is that expected?
Maybe #trust, #untrust, #taint and #untaint should both call 'super' and forward the call to getobj?
I'm even less sure as to what to do with #tainted? and #untrusted? for mixed cases (i.e. when self and getobj have different taintedness/trust). Disallow these cases? return "super || getobj.tainted?" ?
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago
- Assignee set to marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune)
- Target version set to 1.9.2
Could you create and send a patch?
If rubyspec and make check passes, and if there is no objection,
please commit it by yourself.
You can handle #2224 and #2496 in a similar way. You have control.
Yusuke Endoh mame@tsg.ne.jp
Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 14 years ago
Hi, Marc-andre
What's the status? Or should I do it myself?
Could you create and send a patch?
If rubyspec and make check passes, and if there is no objection,
please commit it by yourself.You can handle #2224 and #2496 in a similar way. You have control.
Yusuke Endoh mame@tsg.ne.jp
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 14 years ago
I've had very few spare time last month, sorry, but I'll close the few issues assigned to me soon (definitely in time for the release candidate)
Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This issue was solved with changeset r28376.
Marc-Andre, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.