Feature #8897 closed
client side TCP fast open
Added by Glass_saga (Masaki Matsushita) over 11 years ago.
Updated over 11 years ago.
I propose that ruby supports client side TCP fast open.
Attached patch defines Socket::MSG_FASTOPEN.
require "socket"
socket = Socket.new(Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM)
socket.send("foo", Socket::MSG_FASTOPEN, Socket.sockaddr_in(80, "localhost"))
patch.diff (440 Bytes)
Glass_saga (Masaki Matsushita), 09/11/2013 11:42 PM
test.diff (1.12 KB)
testcase for TCP fast open
Glass_saga (Masaki Matsushita), 09/17/2013 11:48 PM
Status changed from Open to Assigned
Assignee set to Glass_saga (Masaki Matsushita)
Status changed from Assigned to Closed
% Done changed from 0 to 100
This issue was solved with changeset r42948.
Masaki, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.
Issue #8897 has been updated by Glass_saga (Masaki Matsushita).
ping. May I commit it?
OK. Please commit the patch.
Please make testcase too.
kosaki (Motohiro KOSAKI) wrote:
Please make testcase too.
I made a testcase.
Kosaki-san, can you review it?
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