Feature #18020
Updated by ioquatix (Samuel Williams) over 3 years ago
After continuing to build out the fiber scheduler interface and the specific hooks required for `io_uring`, I found some trouble within the implementation of `IO`.
I found that in some cases, we need to read into the `rb_io_buffer_t` struct directly. I tried creating a "fake string" in order to transit back into the Ruby fiber scheduler interface and this did work, but I was told we cannot expose fake string to Ruby code.
So, after this, and many other frustrations with using `String` as a IO buffer, I decided to implement a low level `IO::Buffer` based on my needs for high performance IO, and as part of the fiber scheduler interface. Going forward, this can form the basis of newer interfaces like `IO::Buffer#splice` and so on. We can also add support for `IO#read(n, buffer)` rather than string. This avoids many encoding and alignment issues.
While I'm less interested in the user facing interface at this time, I believe we can introduce it incrementally. Initially my focus is on the interface requirements for the fiber scheduler. Then, I'll look at how we can integrate it more into `IO` directly. The goal is to have this in place for Ruby 3.1.
## Proposed Solution
We introduce new class `IO::Buffer`.
class IO::Buffer
# @returns [IO::Buffer] A buffer with the contents of the string data.
def self.for(string)
PAGE_SIZE = # ... operating system page size
# @returns [IO::Buffer] A buffer with the contents of the file mapped to memory.
def self.map(file)
# Flags for buffer state.
EXTERNAL = # The buffer is from external memory.
INTERNAL = # The buffer is from internal memory (malloc).
MAPPED = # The buffer is from mapped memory (mmap, VirtualAlloc, etc)
LOCKED = # The buffer is locked for usage (cannot be resized)
PRIVATE = # The buffer is mapped as copy-on-write.
IMMUTABLE = # The buffer cannot be modified.
# @returns [IO::Buffer] A buffer with the specified size, allocated according to the given flags.
def initialize(size, flags)
# @returns [Integral] The size of the buffer
attr :size
# @returns [String] A brief summary and hex dump of the buffer.
def inspect
# @returns [String] A brief summary of the buffer.
def to_s
# Flag predicates:
def external?
def internal?
def mapped?
def locked?
def immutable?
# Flags for endian/byte order:
BIG_ENDIAN = # ...
# Lock the buffer (prevent resize, unmap, changes to base and size).
def lock
raise "Already locked!" if flags & LOCKED
flags |= LOCKED
# Unlock the buffer.
def unlock
raise "Not locked!" unless flags & LOCKED
flags |= ~LOCKED
// Manipulation:
# @returns [IO::Buffer] A slice of the buffer's data. Does not copy.
def slice(offset, length)
# @returns [String] A binary string starting at offset, length bytes.
def to_str(offset, length)
# Copy the specified string into the buffer at the given offset.
def copy(string, offset)
# Compare two buffers.
def <=>(other)
include Comparable
# Resize the buffer, preserving the given length (if non-zero).
def resize(size, preserve = 0)
# Clear the buffer to the specified value.
def clear(value = 0, offset = 0, length = (@size - offset))
# Data Types:
# Lower case: little endian.
# Upper case: big endian (network endian).
# :U8 | unsigned 8-bit integer.
# :S8 | signed 8-bit integer.
# :u16, :U16 | unsigned 16-bit integer.
# :s16, :S16 | signed 16-bit integer.
# :u32, :U32 | unsigned 32-bit integer.
# :s32, :S32 | signed 32-bit integer.
# :u64, :U64 | unsigned 64-bit integer.
# :s64, :S64 | signed 64-bit integer.
# :f32, :F32 | 32-bit floating point number.
# :f64, :F64 | 64-bit floating point number.
# Get the given data type at the specified offset.
def get(type, offset)
# Set the given value as the specified data type at the specified offset.
def set(type, offset, value)
The C interface provides a few convenient methods for accessing the underlying data buffer:
void rb_io_buffer_get_mutable(VALUE self, void **base, size_t *size);
void rb_io_buffer_get_immutable(VALUE self, const void **base, size_t *size);
In the fiber scheduler, it is used like this:
rb_fiber_scheduler_io_read_memory(VALUE scheduler, VALUE io, void *base, size_t size, size_t length)
VALUE buffer = rb_io_buffer_new(base, size, RB_IO_BUFFER_LOCKED);
VALUE result = rb_fiber_scheduler_io_read(scheduler, io, buffer, length);
return result;
This function is invoked from `io.c` at various places to fill the buffer. We specifically the `(base, size)` tuple, along with `length` which is the *minimum* length required and assists with efficient non-blocking implementation.
The `uring.c` implementation in the event gem uses this interface like so:
VALUE Event_Backend_URing_io_read(VALUE self, VALUE fiber, VALUE io, VALUE buffer, VALUE _length) {
struct Event_Backend_URing *data = NULL;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct Event_Backend_URing, &Event_Backend_URing_Type, data);
int descriptor = RB_NUM2INT(rb_funcall(io, id_fileno, 0));
void *base;
size_t size;
rb_io_buffer_get_mutable(buffer, &base, &size);
size_t offset = 0;
size_t length = NUM2SIZET(_length);
while (length > 0) {
size_t maximum_size = size - offset;
int result = io_read(data, fiber, descriptor, (char*)base+offset, maximum_size);
if (result == 0) {
} else if (result > 0) {
offset += result;
if ((size_t)result > length) break;
length -= result;
} else if (-result == EAGAIN || -result == EWOULDBLOCK) {
Event_Backend_URing_io_wait(self, fiber, io, RB_INT2NUM(READABLE));
} else {
rb_syserr_fail(-result, strerror(-result));
return SIZET2NUM(offset);