

janko (Janko Marohnić)

  • Login: janko
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  • Registered on: 02/05/2014
  • Last sign in: 06/20/2024


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Reported issues 1 9 10



11:52 PM Ruby master Bug #19258: URI::Generic#host returns empty string instead of nil
Thanks or the update, makes sense, I will try to get Excon updated then. janko (Janko Marohnić)
11:25 PM Ruby master Bug #19258 (Closed): URI::Generic#host returns empty string instead of nil
On Ruby 3.1, `URI::Generic#host` would return `nil` for `unix:///` URLs, but on Ruby 3.2 it now returns an empty stri... janko (Janko Marohnić)


12:40 PM Ruby master Bug #17481 (Closed): Keyword arguments change value after calling super without arguments in Ruby 3.0
There seems to be a bug in Ruby 3.0 regarding keyword arguments and calling super without arguments, where the splatt... janko (Janko Marohnić)


05:07 PM Ruby master Feature #14426: [PATCH] openssl: reduce memory allocation in OpenSSL::Buffering#do_write
The patch got outdated in the latest trunk, so I updated it again. It's a really small change with big impact on memo... janko (Janko Marohnić)
09:47 AM Ruby master Bug #14900 (Closed): Extra allocation in String#byteslice
When executing `String#byteslice` with a range, I noticed that sometimes the original string is allocated again. When... janko (Janko Marohnić)


11:07 PM Ruby master Feature #13626: Add String#byteslice!
I support adding `String#byteslice!`. I've been using `String#byteslice` in custom IO-like objects that implement `IO... janko (Janko Marohnić)


12:28 PM Ruby master Bug #14745: High memory usage when using String#replace with IO.copy_stream
> it looks like @stream_cipher.update can take a second destination arg (like IO#read and friends) and maybe that hel... janko (Janko Marohnić)


09:33 AM Ruby master Bug #14745: High memory usage when using String#replace with IO.copy_stream
> Yes, this is an unfortunate side effect because of copy-on-write
> semantics of String#replace. If the arg (other_...
janko (Janko Marohnić)


12:50 PM Ruby master Bug #14745 (Closed): High memory usage when using String#replace with IO.copy_stream
I'm using custom IO-like objects that implement #read as the first argument to IO.copy_stream, and I noticed odd memo... janko (Janko Marohnić)


01:16 PM Ruby master Feature #14426: [PATCH] openssl: reduce memory allocation in OpenSSL::Buffering#do_write
Any updates on this one? I think it would be nice to have this included in the next patch version. This will make mem... janko (Janko Marohnić)

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