Feature #10645
openConsider adding support of .first to MatchData object like MatchData[0]
Lately I was using match data
test_string = "
This is heading 6¶
"match = /<h\d+>(.+)</h\d+>/.match(test_string)
Then I tried to do this:
puts match.first
It did not work.
puts match[0]
Is the way to go.
My question is:
Would it be consistent to consider adding
support of .first to MatchData as well?
class Array has it - I kind of assumed that
MatchData is a bit similar to Array.
Updated by duerst (Martin Dürst) almost 10 years ago
Robert A. Heiler wrote:
Would it be consistent to consider adding
support of .first to MatchData as well?class Array has it - I kind of assumed that
MatchData is a bit similar to Array.
The question is how similar exactly. What other array methods would you expect? MatchData has a to_a method, so it can be treated as an array. Should it be changed to include Enumerable? Enumerable would have #first, and many other methods.