Feature #10658
openThreadGroup local variables
Here's the story. I wrote a testing framework which could run test
cases in parallel. To accumulate the number of assertions, I could
just use a shared number and lock it for each testing threads.
However, I would also like to detect if a single test case didn't
make any assertions, and raise an error. That means I can't just
lock the number, otherwise the thread won't have any idea if the
number was touched by the other threads. That means I need to lock
around each test cases, which defeats the purpose of running test
cases in parallel.
Then we could try to store the number inside the instance of the
running worker, something like this:
def expect obj
Expect.new(obj) do
@assertions += 1
would 'test 1 == 1' do
@assertions = 0
expect(1).eq 1
This works fine, but what if we want to make the other matcher,
such as Kernel#should
, which has no idea about the worker?
would 'test 1 == 1' do
@assertions = 0
1.should.eq 1
Here 1 has absolutely no idea about the worker, how could it increment
the number then? We could try to use a thread local to accumulate the
assertions, and after all threads are done, accumulate all the numbers
from each threads. This way each numbers won't be interfering with each
other, and each objects could have the access to the corresponding
number from the running thread local.
However this has an issue. What if a test case would spawn several
threads in a worker thread? Those threads would have no access to
the worker thread local variable! Shown as below:
would 'test 1 == 1' do
@assertions = 0
Thread.new do
1.should.eq 1
ThreadGroup to the rescue. Since a newly spawn thread would share the
same group from the parent thread, we could create a thread group for
each worker thread, and all objects should just find the corresponding
number by checking the thread group local. It should be protected by
a mutex, of course. Here's a demonstration:
module Kernel
def should
Should.new(self) do
Thread.current.group.synchronize do |group|
group[:assertions] += 1
# P.S. in the real code, it's a thread-safe Stat object
Some alternative solutions:
Just use instance_variable_set and instance_variable_get on ThreadGroup
What I was doing before: Assume ThreadGroup#list.first is the owner of
the group, thus the worker thread, and use that thread to store the number.
Something like:Thread.current.group.list.first[:assertions] += 1
This works for Ruby 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, but not for 2.2.
This also works for Rubinius. I thought this is somehow an expected behaviour,
therefore did a patch for JRuby to make this work:
Until now it failed on Ruby 2.2, did I know the order was not preserved... -
What I am doing right now: Find the worker thread through the list from the
group by checking the existence of the data from thread locals. Like:Thread.current.group.list.find{ |t| t[:assertions] }[:assertions] += 1
At any rate, if we ever have thread group locals, the order won't be an issue,
at least for this use case.
Any idea?
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) about 10 years ago
godfat@godfat.org wrote:
What I was doing before: Assume ThreadGroup#list.first is the owner of
the group, thus the worker thread, and use that thread to store the number.
Something like:Thread.current.group.list.first[:assertions] += 1
This works for Ruby 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, but not for 2.2.
This also works for Rubinius. I thought this is somehow an expected behaviour,
therefore did a patch for JRuby to make this work:
Until now it failed on Ruby 2.2, did I know the order was not preserved...
Oops, can you try the following?
--- a/vm_core.h
+++ b/vm_core.h
@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ rb_vm_living_threads_init(rb_vm_t *vm)
static inline void
rb_vm_living_threads_insert(rb_vm_t *vm, rb_thread_t *th)
- list_add(&vm->living_threads, &th->vmlt_node);
+ list_add_tail(&vm->living_threads, &th->vmlt_node);
Ordering is preserved, just backwards.
But I am unsure if order should be spec which is relied on...
Updated by godfat (Lin Jen-Shin) about 10 years ago
Eric Wong wrote:
Oops, can you try the following?
--- a/vm_core.h +++ b/vm_core.h @@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ rb_vm_living_threads_init(rb_vm_t *vm) static inline void rb_vm_living_threads_insert(rb_vm_t *vm, rb_thread_t *th) { - list_add(&vm->living_threads, &th->vmlt_node); + list_add_tail(&vm->living_threads, &th->vmlt_node); vm->living_thread_num++; }
Ordering is preserved, just backwards.
But I am unsure if order should be spec which is relied on...
Haha, indeed this works. I was reading the source yesterday for a while,
thinking that the order should be preserved. There's GVL and it shouldn't
insert into the list randomly. I must look at the wrong place (maybe some
old codes...), not realizing ccan/list/list.h.
I thought this was spec before, but yeah, not sure if this should be spec.
Therefore I tried to propose thread group locals, so that the order doesn't
really matter, at least in this use case.
Updated by rosenfeld (Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas) about 10 years ago
+1 liked the idea very much
Updated by amw (Adam Wróbel) about 9 years ago
Lin Jen-Shin wrote:
Here's a demonstration:
module Kernel def should Should.new(self) do Thread.current.group.synchronize do |group| group[:assertions] += 1 end # P.S. in the real code, it's a thread-safe Stat object end end end
I quite liked this syntax and the idea. I actually needed something like ThreadGroup-variables in my project so I've implemented them with this monkey patch:
# Thread.current.group.synchronize do |group|
# group["my_var"] ||= 0
# group["my_var"] += 1
# end
class ThreadGroup
GLOBAL_MUTEX = Mutex.new
def synchronize
mutex.synchronize {yield self}
def [] key
def []= key, value
@local_variables[key] = value
def mutex
GLOBAL_MUTEX.synchronize do
@local_variables ||= {}
@mutex ||= Mutex.new
I'm using separate thread groups to run my app's test suite in parallel. They replaced class-level and module-level (read: global) variables in my app.