Feature #11415
openautoload with a Proc
currently allows you to run arbitrary code when a constant is referenced, as long as that code is written to a file.
I propose extending autoload
to also accept a Proc in place of the string filename.
autoload :Foo, -> { ::Object.const_set :Foo, 42 }
autoload :Bar, -> { require "bar_1"; require "bar_2" }
autoload :Baz, -> { with_special_lock { require "baz" } }
No built-in concurrency protection is provided: if a second thread encounters a constant reference before the first one sets the constant, the second thread will also enter the Proc.
Under simple usage, the proc will still call require at some point -- then require's locking will take effect. A more advanced user can apply their own locking.
I believe this is sufficient to allow the Rails dependency loader to use autoload instead of const_missing, and fix the "nested constants" problem.
The implementation is quite small, and it doesn't seem to make the dangers of autoload any worse than they already are. Hopefully, it can provide an easier place for users to experiment in ways to save autoload by making it more generally safe.
For Rails's purposes, nested constants could also be solved by a missing_constant
(or similar) macro:
module Foo; end
module Bar; end
Foo::Bar # => returns ::Bar
module Foo; missing_constant :Bar; end
module Bar
Foo::Bar # => invokes Foo.const_missing(:Bar)
More directly, instead of passing a Proc to autoload, a caller can write the code to a tempfile, and then specify that tempfile's path.
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) over 9 years ago
I hate autoload. autoload is one of things I regret. I'm not positive about enhancing something I hate.
-- matz in https://speakerdeck.com/skade/the-dark-side-of-matz-1
How about using const_missing
Updated by normalperson (Eric Wong) over 9 years ago
matz@ruby-lang.org wrote:
I hate autoload. autoload is one of things I regret. I'm not positive about enhancing something I hate.
-- matz in https://speakerdeck.com/skade/the-dark-side-of-matz-1
Would you like autoload if Ruby didn't have threads? :)
Anyways, I think autoload is somewhat useful for improving startup
times; but the interaction with threads is currently dangerous.
How about using
Using that would be even more fragile, I think.