



Bug #11953


ThreadError in 2.3 on code that works on 2.2.4

Added by claytonflesher (Clayton Flesher) about 9 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.


This is my first bug reporting, so I'm sorry if this isn't exactly correct format. I'll update my report accordingly if pointed in the right direction.

I ran into what appears to be a bug while doing a quiz.

I've included the breaking code, the test suite and the description of the quiz as attachments to this bug report.

The following code works fine on Ruby 2.2.4.

class Prime
  def self.nth(num)
    primes = build_primes(num)


  def build_primes(num)
    primes = [2]
    index  = 3 
    until primes.size == num
      if example?(index, primes)
        primes << index
      index += 1

  def error(num)
    unless num > 0
      raise ArgumentError

  def example?(index, primes)
    primes.each do |prime|
      if index % prime == 0
        return false

It raises this error in Ruby 2.3.0

ThreadError: deadlock; recursive locking
    /home/clayton/.rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/singleton.rb:140:in `synchronize'
    /home/clayton/.rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/singleton.rb:140:in `instance'
    /home/clayton/.rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/singleton.rb:142:in `block in instance'
    /home/clayton/.rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/singleton.rb:140:in `synchronize'
    /home/clayton/.rubies/ruby-2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/singleton.rb:140:in `instance'
    /home/clayton/exercism/ruby/nth-prime/nth_prime.rb:3:in `nth'
    nth_prime_test.rb:28:in `test_first'

If this is expected behavior, I'm sorry in advance for wasting your time.


nth_prime.rb (528 Bytes) nth_prime.rb Breaking code claytonflesher (Clayton Flesher), 01/05/2016 06:59 PM
nth_prime_test.rb (973 Bytes) nth_prime_test.rb Tests claytonflesher (Clayton Flesher), 01/05/2016 07:00 PM (1.27 KB) Quiz description claytonflesher (Clayton Flesher), 01/05/2016 07:00 PM

Updated by JEG2 (James Gray) about 9 years ago

This is the minimal reproduction I could come up with:

require "forwardable"
require "singleton"

class Surprise
  include Singleton

  class << self
    extend Forwardable

    def method_added(method)
      (class << self; self; end).def_delegator(:instance, method)

  define_method(:new) do |*|
    fail "Oops"

  def self.do_something


  def wrong_level


Updated by JEG2 (James Gray) about 9 years ago

My recreation may not be useful though as it has the same error on Ruby 2.2.4. The longer code does not.

Updated by tmornini (Tom Mornini) almost 9 years ago

James Gray wrote:

The following code works fine on Ruby 2.2.4
It raises this error in Ruby 2.3.0
ThreadError: deadlock; recursive locking

We just saw this same error -- apparently out of nowhere -- on very stable code that utilizes Celluloid while under significant load.

We've never seen this error previously but cannot yet say that it runs fine on 2.2.4 -- though we do have a strong belief that it runs well under 1.9.3.

We'll try it under 2.2.4 and report back.

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 9 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

With 1.9..trunk, I got same behaviors with both examples, no error with Clayton's and ThreadError with James's.

Updated by tmornini (Tom Mornini) almost 9 years ago

Tom Mornini wrote:

We'll try it under 2.2.4 and report back.

We actually tested against 2.2.5, and we're seeing identical behavior to 2.3.1.

I'm going to file an issue against Celluloid on Github and reference this ticket.

Updated by noahgibbs (Noah Gibbs) almost 9 years ago

The error is occurring in Singleton's instance method, which is mutex-protected.

Using the supplied example code, git-bisect points to this Ruby commit as the problem:

commit d2487ed47587ec1cd1b456068e0af3ea0b39596d
Author: marcandre <marcandre@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>
Date:   Fri May 22 13:36:39 2015 +0000

    * lib/prime.rb: Remove obsolete
      patch by Ajay Kumar. [Fixes GH-891]

    git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e

And that's where Prime switched from using a @the_instance member variable to using Singleton to track its instance.

So it looks like this code never worked with Prime as a Singleton.

Updated by noahgibbs (Noah Gibbs) almost 9 years ago

Okay, Prime removed its .new() method. Singleton appears to depend on .new(). It's getting the recursive synch because the deprecated new() is calling instance(), so it would recurse infinitely. But instead, it tries to grab its own mutex and dies that way.

Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) almost 9 years ago

So, a minimal example is:

require 'prime'
class Prime
  def new

#  access instance, directly or indirectly via a delegated class method # ThreadError: deadlock

It's easy to circumvent by calling Prime.instance before defining new, either directly or indirectly (via any delegated class method like

Maybe the prime library should instantiate the singleton on load? That would resolve the issue at hand.

I am a bit baffled by what is the intent behind defining an instance method called new though...

Updated by noahgibbs (Noah Gibbs) over 8 years ago

Marc-Andre: this is happening in code that doesn't define new or call instance() directly -- the supplied sample code doesn't do either of those. Instead, methods called on Prime are forwarded to its instance. If the instance doesn't exist, they try to create it using new. doesn't work -- it calls .instance() again, recursing and trying to grab the mutex again.

Just calling Prime.instance() first wouldn't help. You'd have to set the instance variable of Prime (the one Singleton uses) manually in some way to avoid calling, which does the wrong thing.

Part of the problem is that is an old deprecated interface that users used to use and now shouldn't.

The test code is just calling Prime.nth() and failing.

Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 8 years ago

  • Assignee set to marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune)


this is happening in code that doesn't define new

I'm sorry if I'm missing something, but could you please provide such code?

Lines 12-15 of nth_prime_test.rb defines an instance method called new, and James also defines new in his code.

Just calling Prime.instance() first wouldn't help

Did you actually try? Inserting Prime.instance in nth_prime_test.rb after the require doesn't produce the error

Part of the problem is that is an old deprecated interface that users used to use and now shouldn't

FWIW, was deprecated in Ruby 1.9.0, more than 7 years ago. Are there examples of users still calling it?

Updated by noahgibbs (Noah Gibbs) over 8 years ago

Marc-Andre: sorry, you're right. I somehow missed that this code was defining :new.

Yeah, this is probably not a big problem. Defining new is a weird use case.

Actions #12

Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
Actions #13

Updated by marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune) over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Rejected

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