I think there should be Kernel.method instead of instance_method (in Delegator). Otherwise you get respond_to? == true, but cannot use this method and get an error.
It's the current spec that delegator cannot call private method of the target, because it was impossible to tell it was called as function call form, (without the receiver).
Would that solve the OP example code since some_func is defined in Object, not Kernel?
Using Kernel.method would be wrong, because the receiver would be the Kernel class, and not the delegated object (Klass.new(0).inspect would return "Kernel" for instance).
It would be quite tempting to make Delegator inherit from Object (or include the true Kernel) and redefine all the existing methods to try the delegate first,
but that would not work for methods added to Object/Kernel after require 'delegate', and those would just hide the methods of the delegate.
Maybe this could be worked around by hooking into #method_added, but that would not be very resilient if the user code redefines Object/Kernel#method_added.
If we had a way to hook into new method definition without the user accidentally break it, maybe this would be a good implementation. Or am I missing something?
Would that solve the OP example code since some_func is defined in Object, not Kernel?
It is because of the private method of the target, in Object or in Kernel or in target itself is not the point.
Ah, right, because in this case the method would be found on target since target is an Object (a Fixnum actually).
Would this patch allow to remove the special case for Kernel dispatch then? Or should it be kept for compatibility if !target.is_a?(Kernel) and most likely a BasicObject?
Would this patch allow to remove the special case for Kernel dispatch then? Or should it be kept for compatibility if !target.is_a?(Kernel) and most likely a BasicObject?
It's necessary to avoid infinite recursion in the case of [Bug #9155].
Correction: the infinite recursion was a bug in the patch, and fixed the branch.
The trick of Kernel for [Bug #9155] is for the case a global method is called before the target object is set.
It is for the backward compatibility and convenience, we may be better to warn to use :: and remove it in the future.