



Feature #13896


Find.find -> Use Dir.children instead of Dir.entries

Added by esparta (Espartaco Palma) over 7 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Target version:


Dir.children is available since Feature #11302. Find.find can
use of the new list (having no '.' neither '..' entries), making
now superflous an if statement.

This change can improve the performance of Find.find when the path
has lots of entries (thousands?).

Some profiling I did using 50,000 files on a given folder, using this code:

total_size = 0

Find.find(ENV["HOME"]) do |path|
   if File.basename(path)[0] == ?.
     Find.prune       # Don't look any further into this directory.
       total_size += FileTest.size(path)

Before the patch

 ~/ruby -rprofile before.rb
  %   cumulative   self              self     total
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name
 48.37     9.24      9.24   100014     0.09     0.60  Find.find
 13.52    11.82      2.58    50005     0.05     0.07  nil#
  5.17    12.81      0.99    50005     0.02     0.35  Kernel#catch
  5.05    13.77      0.96    50006     0.02     0.04  Kernel#dup
  4.96    14.72      0.95    50006     0.02     0.02  Kernel#initialize_dup
  3.87    15.46      0.74        1   738.89  5952.54  Array#reverse_each
  2.39    15.92      0.46   100012     0.00     0.00  String#==
  1.98    16.29      0.38    50004     0.01     0.01  File.join
  1.93    16.66      0.37    50004     0.01     0.01  FileTest.size
  1.87    17.02      0.36    50005     0.01     0.01  File.lstat
  1.76    17.36      0.34    50005     0.01     0.01
  1.34    17.61      0.26    50004     0.01     0.01  Integer#+
  1.30    17.86      0.25    50005     0.00     0.00  File::Stat#directory?
  1.29    18.11      0.25    50006     0.00     0.00  String#initialize_copy
  1.29    18.35      0.25    50004     0.00     0.00  Array#unshift
  1.28    18.60      0.24    50006     0.00     0.00  Array#shift
  1.25    18.84      0.24    50004     0.00     0.00  Kernel#untaint
  1.25    19.08      0.24    50005     0.00     0.00  Kernel#taint
  0.10    19.09      0.02        1    19.53    19.55  Dir.entries
  0.02    19.10      0.00        1     4.10     4.10  Array#sort!
  0.00    19.10      0.00        2     0.47     1.12  Kernel#require
  0.00    19.10      0.00        4     0.02     0.04  Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec
  0.00    19.10      0.00        2     0.04  9549.52  Array#each
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.05     0.07  MonitorMixin#mon_enter
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.04     0.07  MonitorMixin#mon_exit
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.04     0.05  Module#module_function
  0.00    19.10      0.00        4     0.01     0.01  IO#set_encoding
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.02     0.02
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.02     0.11  Array#collect!
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.02     0.02  MonitorMixin#mon_check_owner
  0.00    19.10      0.00        2     0.01     0.01  Module#method_added
  0.00    19.10      0.00        3     0.00     0.00  Thread.current
  0.00    19.10      0.00        2     0.01     0.01  String#encoding
  0.00    19.10      0.00        2     0.01     0.01  BasicObject#singleton_method_added
  0.00    19.10      0.00        2     0.00     0.00  Kernel#respond_to?
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  TracePoint#enable
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  Gem::Specification.unresolved_deps
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  File.exist?
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  File.basename
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  Thread::Mutex#lock
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  String#[]
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  Gem.suffixes
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  Thread::Mutex#unlock
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  Encoding.find
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  BasicObject#==
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.00     0.00  TracePoint#disable
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Kernel#block_given?
  0.00    19.10      0.00        1     0.00 19100.95  #toplevel

After the patch

  %   cumulative   self              self     total
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name
 45.15     7.70      7.70   100012     0.08     0.52  Find.find
 15.12    10.27      2.58    50005     0.05     0.07  nil#
  5.76    11.25      0.98    50005     0.02     0.31  Kernel#catch
  5.66    12.22      0.96    50006     0.02     0.04  Kernel#dup
  5.59    13.17      0.95    50006     0.02     0.02  Kernel#initialize_dup
  4.30    13.91      0.73        1   733.77  3952.79  Array#reverse_each
  2.12    14.27      0.36    50005     0.01     0.01  File.lstat
  2.08    14.62      0.35    50004     0.01     0.01  FileTest.size
  2.06    14.97      0.35    50004     0.01     0.01  File.join
  1.93    15.30      0.33    50005     0.01     0.01
  1.47    15.55      0.25    50005     0.00     0.00  File::Stat#directory?
  1.46    15.80      0.25    50006     0.00     0.00  String#initialize_copy
  1.46    16.05      0.25    50004     0.00     0.00  Integer#+
  1.44    16.30      0.25    50004     0.00     0.00  Array#unshift
  1.44    16.54      0.24    50006     0.00     0.00  Array#shift
  1.41    16.78      0.24    50004     0.00     0.00  Kernel#untaint
  1.40    17.02      0.24    50005     0.00     0.00  Kernel#taint
  0.11    17.04      0.02        1    19.16    19.18  Dir.children
  0.02    17.04      0.00        1     4.14     4.14  Array#sort!
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.61     0.69  Kernel#require_relative
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.04     0.05  Module#module_function
  0.00    17.04      0.00        4     0.01     0.01  IO#set_encoding
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.02 17043.77  Array#each
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.02     0.11  Array#collect!
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.02     0.02
  0.00    17.04      0.00        2     0.01     0.01  Module#method_added
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  TracePoint#enable
  0.00    17.04      0.00        2     0.00     0.00  String#encoding
  0.00    17.04      0.00        2     0.00     0.00  BasicObject#singleton_method_added
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  File.basename
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  File.exist?
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  String#[]
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  Encoding.find
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  String#==
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.01     0.01  BasicObject#==
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.00     0.00  TracePoint#disable
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Kernel#block_given?
  0.00    17.04      0.00        1     0.00     0.00  Kernel#respond_to?
  0.00    17.05      0.00        1     0.00 17045.11  #toplevel

Actions #1

Updated by esparta (Espartaco Palma) over 7 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Misc
  • Backport deleted (2.2: UNKNOWN, 2.3: UNKNOWN, 2.4: UNKNOWN)
Actions #2

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 7 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Misc to Feature
Actions #3

Updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE) over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied in changeset trunk|r59926.

Find.find -> Use Dir.children instead of Dir.entries

Dir.children is available since Feature #11302.
Find.find can use of the new list (having no '.' neither '..' entries),
making now superflous an if statement.

This change can improve the performance of Find.find when the path
has lots of entries (thousands?).
patched by Espartaco Palma fix GH-1697
[Feature #13896]


Also available in: Atom PDF
