



Feature #16356


Method#inspect of argument forwarding

Added by znz (Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA) over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:


Current behavior includes (**, &&).
Is this intentional?

% ruby -e 'def mf(...);end;p method(:mf)'
#<Method:**, &&) -e:1>

I added tests of current behavior at

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby - Feature #14145: Proposal: Better Method#inspectClosedActions
Actions #1

Updated by znz (Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA) over 5 years ago

Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 5 years ago

#inspect just follows whatever #parameters say.

But I indeed find that #parameters return value is kinda weird for this case:

./ruby --disable-gems -e "def m(...); end; p method(:m).parameters"
[[:rest, :*], [:block, :&]]

E.g., literally, "parameter of the type :rest, named *, and parameter of the type :block, named &".

I believe that a proper return value for parameters in this case would be, probably

[[:rest], [:keyrest], [:block]]

If it would be so (and it seems reasonable), #inspect will return #m(*, **, &)

Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 5 years ago

zverok (Victor Shepelev) wrote:

#inspect just follows whatever #parameters say.

But I indeed find that #parameters return value is kinda weird for this case:

./ruby --disable-gems -e "def m(...); end; p method(:m).parameters"
[[:rest, :*], [:block, :&]]

E.g., literally, "parameter of the type :rest, named *, and parameter of the type :block, named &".

I believe that a proper return value for parameters in this case would be, probably

[[:rest], [:keyrest], [:block]]

If it would be so (and it seems reasonable), #inspect will return #m(*, **, &)

That's not how ... is implemented, though. It is implemented so that:

def a(...)


ruby2_keywords def a(*args, &block)
  b(*args, &block)

other than the local variable names. So the current behavior omitting :keyrest makes sense. The local variable names should not be included, so the parameters output should probably be [[:rest], [:block]].

This does raise a question of whether methods flagged with ruby2_keywords should have their parameters output reflect that. I'm not sure whether that is worth doing, but if so, we should probably replace :rest with something like :restkw.

Updated by zverok (Victor Shepelev) over 5 years ago

@jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) thanks for the explanation, I suspected there is something important about missing :keyrest there :)
But names (e.g. literal :* and :&) should be excluded from parameters output anyways, right?..

Updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler) over 5 years ago

But names (e.g. literal :* and :&) should be excluded from parameters output anyways, right?

I am not matz, nor among the core team, but I think that the general intention is that the
information displayed here (e. g. via #inspect) should be useful to the user, to some extent;
and ideally consistent/uniform whenever possible.

As Kazuhiro showed, the display is like:

#<Method:**, &&) -e:1>

And I am not sure if this is that helpful for ruby users. It is also a bit strange that
-e:1 is passed. I can not imagine that this is very useful to anyone. :) This is from
the commandline, yes? I remember having that sometimes when invoking ruby scripts or
e. g. calling a custom method in some .rb file.

So, no matter whether there may be reasons behind the display, I think Kazuhiro's question
is a good one either way how you look at this. (Actually what may be missing in the
issue description is to say what should otherwise be shown, rather than the current
"**, &&) -e:1". I guess one could also show more information if wanted or
necessary, such as to indicate that it may be a forwarded-message. Perhaps matz or
nobu may know what might fit best here.)

So the current behavior omitting :keyrest makes sense.

I think this is only one part; the other is whether this is very useful for ruby
users. Kazuhiro did not explicitely mention this, but I think the current display
is a bit weird.


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