Bug #17131
closedTime.at(time) != time in certain cases
According to the spec:
describe "with an argument that responds to #to_r" do
it "coerces using #to_r" do
o = mock_numeric('rational')
o.should_receive(:to_r).and_return(Rational(5, 2))
Time.at(o).should == Time.at(Rational(5, 2))
applies to_r
to its argument if it responds to to_r
. It doesn't specify though what the result should be.
It preserves the value with Time
time = Time.now
time.nsec # => 110716000
time.nsec == Time.at(time).nsec # => true
time = Time.at(946684800, 123456789, :nsec)
time.nsec # => 123456789
Time.at(time).nsec # => 123456789
and stdlib's DateTime
require 'time'
dt = DateTime.now
dt.to_time.nsec # => 111439000
dt.to_time.nsec == Time.at(dt.to_time).nsec # => true
However, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
, which mimics Time
but doesn't inherit from Time
and rather delegates to it, does not preserve the value:
t.nsec # => 3882000
Time.at(t).nsec # => 3881931
This may look like rounding issue:
The lowest digits of to_f and nsec are different because IEEE 754 double is not accurate enough to represent the exact number of nanoseconds since the Epoch.
But that doesn't explain why Time
doesn't suffer from this rounding issue.
The ecosystems have provided workarounds:
But they do not work because to_r
is not called. And it spirals out to downright crutches
and duct tape
This results in end user specs that do not handle nano-, micro-, or even milliseconds precision:
it 'is scheduled in 5 seconds' do
expect { SayHiJob.perform_in_five }
.to have_enqueued_job(SayHiJob).at(a_value_within(1.second).of(Time.current))
A related Rails issue is
With a simpler example of a class that pretends to be coercible to Time
RationalTime = Class.new do
def respond_to?(method_name, *)
puts method_name
def to_r
def initialize(r)
@r = r
r = Rational(858710000, 3)
rt = RationalTime.new(r)
puts Time.at(rt)
the result is rather frustrating:
to_r # <= `Time.at` checked if the class responds to `.to_r`
to_int # but also checked if it responds to `to_int`!
1.rb:19:in `at': can't convert RationalTime into an exact number (TypeError)
from 1.rb:19:in `<main>'
It seems to fail at the following test:
describe "with an argument that responds to #to_r" do
it "coerces using #to_r" do
We see that respond_to?
was called for to_int
. Let's implement it:
RationalTime = Class.new do
def to_r
Rational(1111, 3)
def to_int
puts Time.at(RationalTime.new).nsec # => 333333333
puts Time.at(RationalTime.new).to_f # => 370.3333333333333
The returned value is far away from 100
, but it raises no errors, and our rational part is finally used.
Nanoseconds rounding¶
returns time with no nanosecond precision, e.g.:
Time.now.nsec # => 225_852_000
I do not know whether defining is_a?
and kind_of?
makes any difference:
RationalTime = Class.new do
def is_a?(klass)
klass == ::Time || super
def kind_of?(klass)
klass == ::Time || super
def to_r
Rational(1111, 3)
def to_int
Digging deeper¶
The following mostly guessing.
According to Ruby core spec that covers Time.at with a Rational:
it "roundtrips a Rational produced by #to_r" do
t = Time.now()
t2 = Time.at(t.to_r)
t2.should == t
t2.usec.should == t.usec
t2.nsec.should == t.nsec
it seems that Time.at
copies the underlying time data without modification if the argument is detected to be Time
(Ruby source:
else if (IsTimeval(time)) {
struct time_object *tobj, *tobj2;
GetTimeval(time, tobj);
t = time_new_timew(klass, tobj->timew);
GetTimeval(t, tobj2);
TZMODE_COPY(tobj2, tobj);
where IsTimeval
is defined by:
#define IsTimeval(obj) rb_typeddata_is_kind_of((obj), &time_data_type)
where rb_typeddata_is_kind_of
is defined as (error.c?):
rb_typeddata_is_kind_of(VALUE obj, const rb_data_type_t *data_type)
if (!RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_DATA) ||
!RTYPEDDATA_P(obj) || !rb_typeddata_inherited_p(RTYPEDDATA_TYPE(obj), data_type)) {
return 0;
return 1;
The hope that IsTimeval
evaluates to true
for an impersonating class is debunked by an experimental result:
RTInteger = Class.new do
def is_a?(klass)
klass == ::Time || super
def kind_of?(klass)
klass == ::Time || super
def to_int
Time.at(RTInteger.new) # => 1970-01-01 02:01:40 +0200
Our time passes through a series of lossy transformations (1, 2):
timew = rb_time_magnify(v2w(num_exact(time)));
t = time_new_timew(klass, timew);
v2w(VALUE v)
if (RRATIONAL(v)->den != LONG2FIX(1))
return WIDEVAL_WRAP(v);
v = RRATIONAL(v)->num;
There is a check for it to be a Rational
, but I can't find where respond_to?(:to_r)
call comes from. In any case, it ends up deciding not to call .to_r
for some reason.
Regression or undefined behavior?¶
Let's run the snippet from the beginning of this ticket with RationalTime
on different Ruby versions/implementations.
RationalTime = Class.new do
def to_r
Rational(1111, 3)
def to_int
puts Time.at(RationalTime.new).nsec
puts Time.at(RationalTime.new).to_f
With to_int
Time.at(RationalTime.new).nsec # => 333333333
Time.at(RationalTime.new).to_f # => 370.3333333333333
Without to_int
TypeError: can't convert RationalTime into an exact number
from (irb):7:in `at'
from (irb):7
from /Users/pirj/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p648/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
It's consistent from 2.0.0 throughout 2.7.0.
JRuby (jruby (2.6.5) 2020-08-25 2f0c49000a OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 14.0.1+14 on 14.0.1+14 +jit [darwin-x86_64]):
with to_int
Time.at(RationalTime.new).nsec # => 333333333
Time.at(RationalTime.new).to_f # => 370.33333333300004
Without to_int
Traceback (most recent call last):
11: from /Users/pirj/.rvm/rubies/jruby-head/bin/jruby_executable_hooks:24:in `<main>'
10: from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1117:in `eval'
9: from /Users/pirj/.rvm/rubies/jruby-head/bin/irb:23:in `<main>'
8: from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1078:in `load'
7: from /Users/pirj/.rvm/rubies/jruby-head/lib/ruby/gems/shared/gems/irb-1.0.0/exe/irb:11:in `<main>'
6: from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1263:in `catch'
5: from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1263:in `catch'
4: from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1524:in `loop'
3: from org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:1117:in `eval'
2: from (irb):7:in `evaluate'
1: from org/jruby/RubyTime.java:1329:in `at'
TypeError (can't convert RationalTime into an exact number)
Additional note: precision¶
The spec:
describe "with an argument that responds to #to_r" do
it "coerces using #to_r" do
o = mock_numeric('rational')
o.should_receive(:to_r).and_return(Rational(5, 2))
Time.at(o).should == Time.at(Rational(5, 2))
doesn't provide much precision, as Rational(5, 2)
is 2.5. Obviously, microseconds and nanoseconds are all zero, and this time it has 500 milliseconds. Rational(22, 7)
would yield more floating digits to make assertions on nanosecond precision.
How to fix¶
The point is to let Time.at
adhere to duck typing. If the only argument to Time.at
responds to to_r
, it should be used, and to_int
shouldn't be required, since it's not used down the lines anyway.
In addition to that, it would be nice to adjust the specs so that if a Rational
or an object that responds to to_r
is passed, then all of its precision is kept, i.e:
describe "with an argument that responds to #to_r" do
it "coerces using #to_r" do
o = mock_numeric('rational')
o.should_receive(:to_r).and_return(Rational(22, 7))
Time.at(o).should == Time.at(Rational(22, 7))
Time.at(o).nsec.should == 142857142
Time.at(o).to_f.round(8).should == 3.14285714
Time.at(o).to_f.round(9).should == 3.142857143 # Not sure if JRuby is capable of this precision though
Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 4 years ago
The check for to_int
in addition to to_r
is deliberate. The related code comment states: test to_int method availability to reject non-Numeric objects such as String, Time, etc which have to_r method
. So that is not a bug.
I've read the entire post and other than that issue (which isn't a bug), I'm not sure where you think there is an issue. Assuming that the value passed to Time#at
responds to to_r
and returns a rational and responds to to_int
, the precision specified by the rational should be kept. There external issues you link to all stem from use of ActiveSupport, not from Ruby itself.
Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
@nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) committed a spec that shows that defining to_r without to_int is expected to raise an error (7e1fddba4a609cb7bf4a696eccd892e68753bb21). I think that is sufficient to handle this issue. If you would like additional documentation added, please reply. Currently, the documentation states a single argument to Time.at
, if it isn't a time, should be an Integer
, Float
, Rational
, or other Numeric
Updated by phil_pirozhkov (Phil Pirozhkov) over 4 years ago
jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) wrote in #note-3:
a spec that shows that defining to_r without to_int is expected to raise an error
I think that is sufficient to handle this issue
All clear, thanks a lot. I'll handle the usages to adhere to this protocol.