Feature #17832
closedallow IO write to write memoryview object without copying or add IO#write_memoryview
IO#write() - arguments that are not a string will be converted to string using to_s
want IO#write to be able to write memoryview objects without conversion to string
require 'fiddle'
include Fiddle
ptr = Fiddle::Pointer['this is a string']
mv = MemoryView.new ptr
mv.byte_size #17802
mv[0] # 116
'this is a string'.bytes[0] = 116
File.open('test.txt', 'wb'){ f.write mv}
contents = File.open('test.txt', 'r'){ |f| f.read} # contents is "#<Fiddle::MemoryView:0x000001a75ae76258>" not 'this is a string'
buffer = ByteBuffer.new('this is a string')
File.open('test.txt', 'w'){|f| f.write Fiddle::MemoryView.new(buffer)}
allow IO#write to write memoryview objects without converting to string or add a new method on IO to write memoryview objects without converting to string
Updated by dsisnero (Dominic Sisneros) almost 4 years ago
any comments on this feature request?
Updated by xtkoba (Tee KOBAYASHI) almost 4 years ago
For debugging purposes, it would be nice if we could modify the content of view directly from Ruby code without any third-party C extension, although I cannot tell whether IO
is suitable for that.
Updated by dsisnero (Dominic Sisneros) almost 4 years ago
This is a separate request #17851 to allow memoryview extension in ruby - this request is so that IO doesn't require a separate copy
to string when writing a memoryview object
Updated by dsisnero (Dominic Sisneros) almost 4 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by kou (Kouhei Sutou) almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Third Party's Issue
We can implement this by adding Fiddle::MemoryView#to_s
with rb_str_new_static()
Could you file this to https://github.com/ruby/fiddle/ ?